What They Do For You On Your Birthday

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He takes you out for dinner before surprising you with a trip to Hawaii, you two stayed in Hawaii for a few days before bringing you back for a birthday party with your family.

He also bought you a silver locket with an arrowhead carved into it as well as a photo of him.

He also bought you a silver locket with an arrowhead carved into it as well as a photo of him

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He gave you breakfast in bed, then you guys spent the day around the city, you got lunch together, and then the Wests gave you a birthday dinner with the Legends, Team Arrow, and Team Supergirl.

He gave you a promise ring, a simple gold band with a blue gem and a lightning bolt carved into it. (No, the gem was not the one off your bracelet) 

 (No, the gem was not the one off your bracelet) 

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You don't really celebrate your birthdays, mostly cause in the League you would've been pushed to marry every birthday, so you usually kept it on the down low. That didn't mean Leonard would keep it hidden, after all, he treated you like his queen. 

He made you your favourite dinner and gave you a diamond necklace (Chances are stolen)

He made you your favourite dinner and gave you a diamond necklace (Chances are stolen)

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You and your father have a long lasting birthday tradition where he'll take you to a diner just outside Coast City and order the sweetest pancakes and he would turn off his broodiness off and remind you that you are his world and the reason he lived past 20. 

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