How You Make Up

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He came to you in Central City and apologized in front of your family, he even brought flowers and candy. Of course, you knew you slightly overreacted and forgave him.

Before you left with him, Joe shook his hand and vowed that if Oliver ever did something like that again to you, Joe would shoot him.


He tracked the Waverider down to 2001 to apologize. He got you your favourite chocolates, he gave you a bracelet. You caved and forgave him, as long as he spent a weekend with you only.

Rip may have shot at him with his fancy gun, which you stopped before it could hit Barry.


He literally got on his knees in front of the team to beg you to forgive him, he gave you that smirk knowing you would cave and forgive him.

Mick may have teased you guys about being to lin love for a few days, but you were happy.


Ray felt bad about getting mad at you and you felt bad about not telling him about why you left. You two didn't even talk when you saw each other, you just hugged. Finally, after the hug, you talked it over and apologized to one another.

Before leaving Central City, you told Barry that you did hook up, but only in the bar bathroom, which why you woke up with clothes on. That confused a lot of people.


He sent you a single red rose every day for 2 weeks until you gave in and spoke to him. He apologized for the way he acted and begged you to come home, you forgave him and kissed him, not even saying a word.

Kara did threaten to bury him if he tried to make you seem like the bad guy again.


You never really 'made up' with him again. You eventually returned back home and everything went back to normal, except he didn't work as much, in fact, he took days off to spend with you and made sure you didn't feel forgotten again.

Max did threaten him with a prototype flame thrower he was making...


You didn't makeup officially, you just sort of welcomed him back to bed and eventually everything went back to normal again, but eventually you began helping him look for his son discreetly. You would slip him tips and locations and he would get them checked out.

Malcolm and Oliver did threaten to put an arrow in him if he hurts you again... Though Tommy did 'accidentally' trip him...


He searched high and low for you when he finally found you, he apologized to you and begged you to come home. He told you he only used Vitura on her to get to Mexico where his friend made her immune to it.

Of course, you threw a knife at him, but let's be real... He sorta deserved it.


He sent you flowers and chocolate every day for the entire week. So when he finally came out of the doghouse, he did everything for you and Diana, breakfast, lunches, he carpooled Diana and her friends, he gave you massages. He really worked his way out of the doghouse.

Of course, your father scared him with an unloaded shotgun...


He came to earth one and literally begged you to forgive him, he went on a long speech about how lonely he was without you at his side, how he missed you and him stopping crime together. Everyone, including the Legends who were still on the waverider, heard. Of course, you forgave him but made sure that if he does go on another trip with Lois, he would tell you before going.

Of course, your brother and sister shot an arrow at him...


He set up an extravagant dinner with the help of your brother, Team Flash, and the Legends. He got you roses, candies from around the world, and your favourite book. You forgave him on one condition when it is your family, including all members of Team Flash and Legends, he will tell you the truth.

Your brother may have given him a scare with Alchemy...


He literally begged at your feet in front of Team Flash, he professed his love, he promised he would never tell a lie again, and he even promised to buy you a ring (Which you told him, not yet). You forgave him and the team clapped, thanking God that your fight was over.

Lisa may have turned on of his arrows gold, a hint to what she would do if it happened again...

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