Asking You/Them On A Date: Part One

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The case Oliver was working on was close to being solved, so he was going to be leaving Central city soon, but not before he talked with (Y/N).

"Try again" (Y/N) said. Caitlin hit the button and white electricity shot up (Y/N) arms and she flinched slightly.

"This isn't doing anything, (nickname)" Barry said.

"Shut up" (Y/N) grumbled, she tried to manipulate the electricity but it only shocked a nearby pole. "Goddamit"

"Relax, your emotions control it as much as your mind does," Oliver said.

"Pretend you're trying to summon your Patronus, think of your happiest memories," Cisco said.

"Happy memories?" (Y/N) asked, "I can't think of one"

"What about the day you were able to legally change your name to West?" Iris suggested.

"They day you were accepted to Stanford," Barry said.

"Okay" (Y/N) nodded, "Hit it"

Caitlin pressed the button again and the electricity shot up her arm and she began manipulating the electricity, it danced around and moved around the room. "Hooo, awesome" Cisco smiled, "You can officially summon and manipulate electricity"

"Great job, (Y/N)" Oliver smiled.

Barry shot a look at Oliver before turning back to his sister, "I think we're done for the day, who wants to go out for drinks?" Barry suggests.

"Sounds good" Cisco smiled.

(Y/N) let the electricity absorb into her skin and let go of the device that let off the electricity. "Can I talk to you, (Y/N)?" Oliver asked.

"Sure" (Y/N) smiled. Barry watched as Oliver and (Y/N) walked off.

"Relax Barr, she wasn't going to stay single forever," Iris said.

"I was hoping she would" Barry sighed.

Oliver and (Y/N) stepped into the hall, "What is it?" (Y/N) asked.

"Uh, I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner with me tomorrow?" Oliver asked.

"Like, a date dinner?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yes, like a date dinner" Oliver smiled.

"Uh, yea" (Y/N) smiled back.

"Okay, I'll pick you up at 6:30," He said.

(Y/N) rushed back into the cortex, grabbing Iris and Caitlin, "I have a date with Oliver Queen"


Barry had been working on finding (Y/N)'s mother, she had gone back to the waverider to do some missions, but was waiting for Barry's information to come through. He was working late, going through records.

Joe and Iris came in, "Barr, it's getting late, let's go home and eat," Joe said.

"I am so close to finding this woman," Barry said.

"You really like this girl, don't you?" Iris asked.

"What? No" Barry tried to hide his face. "She helped me save you guys, so I am helping her"

"Sure" Iris nodded. Barry was going to defend himself when his computer dinged, he jumped and took a look at it.

"Found her" Barry smiled, "Michelle Carter"

"How long did that take?" Joe asked.

"About 3 days," Barry said. He pulled out the device (Y/N) had given to him to contact her. He typed up the news, he got a response instantly saying she would be here soon.

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