How You Meet: Part Two

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Oliver was in the middle of the street fighting Deathstroke, (Y/N) was fighting another mirakuru soldier. "Be careful, Princess" Malcolm Merlyn cam over (Y/N) comms. 

"Shut up, dad" (Y/N) growled. Blocking another punch.

"Circe, I need some back-up," Oliver asked. "Remember the Vertigo mission?" 

"On it" (Y/N) kicked the soldier and he fell off the building, she repelled down the building and took out her dagger, charging Deathstroke. He spun around and started fighting her while Oliver prepared.

"Now who are you?" Slade asked, attempting to beat her.

"Circe" (Y/N) smirked, "Dad?"

"What?" Slade asked. Malcolm dropped behind him and father and daughter began fighting Slade.

"Just like the vertigo mission" Malcolm smirked, "You taking interest in my little girl?"

"Really, dad?" (Y/N) asked, She flipped over Slade and held him by the neck, he struggled to keep fighting Malcolm. "You can give up now"

"What makes you think you'll win?" Slade asked.

"I'm a Merlyn, we always win" Oliver swung in and knocked Slade off his feet, catching (Y/N) and landing nearby. The three tackled Slade and managed to hold him down. "See?"

Slade couldn't help but smirk. Malcolm and Oliver gave each other a look, (Y/N) was doomed...

MALCOLM MERLYN (His well be weird... and I mean WEIRD)

Malcolm had known Namra long before his vigilante days, she was only 13 when he went into the League, in fact, she had named him. But here she was 19 years later, all grown up, going by a different name, highly trained. 

(Y/N) had come to Corto Maltese in search of Malcolm, and had finally found him. So here they were, meeting again.

"Al-Sah-Her" (Y/N) said, "It's been a while"

"Namra" Malcolm smiled, "You've grown up"

"Tends to happen" (Y/N) chuckled, "And I go by (Y/N) now"

"Dad?" Thea walked in, stopping dead in her tracks. "Oh'

"'Dad'?" (Y/N) asked, "I thought you only had a son"

"Thea is my daughter with Moira Queen," Malcolm said, "Thea, this is Namra Al Ghul"

"It's (Y/N) Raatka now" (Y/N) said, "Hello"

"Hi," Thea said. "How do you two know each other?"

"She's the daughter of Ra's Al Ghul," Malcolm said, "She's also Nyssa's twin sister"

"Oh," Thea nodded, "Well you be joining us for dinner?"

"I don't wish to intrude" (Y/N) said.

"You aren't intruding," Malcolm said, "Please, join us"

"Alright" (Y/N) smiled. "I'll join you"


Young Tommy, Oliver, and Laurel ran from the car up to the house, the door swinging open and Laurel running to the living room. "Mom, can we go hang out in the tree house?" Laurel asked.

"Okay, but your sisters are playing in there right now" Dinah smiled.

"Okay," Laurel said. The three preteens ran into the back and began climbing up to the tree house. Sara was doing her homework and (Y/N) was reading a book. "Hey"

"Hi," Sara said, "Who are they?"

"This is Oliver Queen and Tommy Merlyn, my new friends," Laurel said, "These are my sisters, Sara and (Y/N)"

"Hi" Tommy smiled at (Y/N), who smiled back.



Barry had gone to another earth to get help to fight against the aliens that just arrived on earth. Oliver and his sisters (Y/N) and Thea were training with one another, talking and waiting. When the blue portal opened, Cisco, Barry, Kara, and Clark stepped out. "Finally" (Y/N) said, putting the bo staff down and crossing her arms. "I aged 20 years waiting"

"Sorry, jumping between earths is hard," Cisco said.

"Kara, Clark these are the Queen siblings, Oliver, (Y/N), and Thea. Queen siblings, these are the Supers, Clark and Kara" Barry introduces them. 

"Hi" (Y/N) smiled, "Ignore my brother, he's not very trusting"

(Y/n) didn't even have to look at her brother to know he was glaring daggers. "I get it, new people, new dangers," Clark said.

"Exactly" Oliver grumbled, "Come on"

Oliver took his sisters and walked off, (Y/N) turned back and mouthed an apology before following her brother back towards their team. Clark just smiled and nodded, "She likes you, and she doesn't like a lot of people," Cisco said.

"Huh" Kara smirked.

"Shut up"


Rip and his team needed someone with knowledge for magical artifacts and could help them defeat Savage. Barry Allen had reached out to them and told them about (Y/N) Albert, a woman who had lots of knowledge of magic and even performed it.

The legends arrived in Central City, Barry had brought (Y/N) to the waverider. "Hey, Barry!" Ray greeted.

"Hey everyone" Barry smiled, "This is (Y/N) Albert, (Y/N) these are the Legends"

"Hello" (Y/N) waved.

"Oh, you're British," Sara said. 

"Born and raised in Manchester" (Y/N) said.

"East London" Rip said, "I'm Rip Hunter"

The rest of the legends greeted her and introduced themselves, "(Y/N) has been studying magic since she was 18" Barry said, "She even can use it"

(Y/N) whispered something and her eyes changed colour to pure white and the wind started flowing around her. "Amazing" Rip smiled, "Can you help us stop Vandal Savage?"

"The immortal Egyptian priest?" (Y/N) asked, "Yea, I'll help"

"That was easier than expected" Mick huffed.

"Terrific! Thank you, Mr. Allen, for introducing her" Rip shook Barry's hand.

"No problem, I should get back to work before your brother gets angry at me," Barry said. "Stay safe, (Y/N)"

"Thanks, Barr"


Oliver had decided to take Roy to Central City to help Barry on a case, they arrived at STAR labs and ran into Leonard Snart. "Queen" Leonard smirked.

"Snart," Oliver said. "You a good guy or bad guy today?"

"God hopes good" A younger female came over. 

"You are?" Oliver asked.

"(Y/N) Snart" She smiled.

"My daughter," Leonard said. 

"Roy Harper" Roy introduced himself, both Leonard and Oliver shooting a look at him. 

"Hi" (Y/N) smirked, shaking his hand.

"Come on, Snowflake, we should run this errand before Flash runs it for us" Leonard took her arm and began leading her to the elevator. "Turn your snow on"

(Y/N) rolled her eyes and her hair began turning white and her eyes becoming an icy blue. "Woah" Roy whispered. (Y/N) smiled at him as the elevator door closed.

"Her father well murder you if you try anything, and I am not saving you if he tries," Oliver said, making his way to the cortex.

"What? She's beautiful"

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