Asking You/Them On A Date: Part Two

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It became a nightly ritual, the timeless visits and training sessions. After all of the other Team Arrow members had gone home and (Y/N) had assured her father and brother she would be fine, he would come in, watch as she did some work on her laptop before grabbing her bo staff and standing with him to train.

Slade honestly didn't mean to do this every night, but she had captivated him and there was no way out. So he decided to train her more, and more, and more. She complied with the training, in fact, she was desperate to train with someone other than her father and Oliver.

It was the night before (Y/N)'s birthday and she wasn't ready to be turning 32. She was looking over old photos with all her high school friends, realizing most of them were married, having kids, working a steady job, and here she was with almost none of that.

"You're taking a lot longer to train tonight" Slade mentioned.

"Sorry, going down memory lane" She sighed, closing her laptop and standing up.

"Your birthday is tomorrow?" He asked. 

"Yep, one year closer to death" She sighed.

They began sparing, Slade nearly bested her, but she managed to knock him onto his back. "You're getting worse at sparring me" (Y/N) sighed.

"I started letting you win weeks ago," He said. 

"Sur-" Slade kicked her leg and she hit the ground. "Ow"

"Your stance is terrible," He said, sitting up and sort of leaning over her. "As I said, I started letting you win"

"Cute" (Y/N) smirked, kneeing his back jumping up and holding him down. "Merlyn's don't stay down"

Slade managed to wrap his hands around her arms and toss her on the floor and held her down, "I can do this all night" He said.

Before Slade could do anything else, (Y/N) kissed him, he kissed back and well... you can guess...


Midnight came, and (Y/N)'s phone began going off with birthday wishes. She didn't bother checking, she was under some old blankets with Slade, just relaxing. "Happy birthday," Slade said, eyes half open.

"32 years on earth" She chuckled.

Her phone began ringing, so Slade grabbed it and looked at the name, "Oliver" He said.

"Oh, he's sticking with tradition" (Y/N) smiled, "Put it on speaker" Slade did so, "Hello?"

"Once upon a time 32 years ago, the Merlyn family welcomed their firstborn, the little brat named (Y/N)" Oliver began.

"Asshole" (Y/N) sighed.

"As she gets another year closer to death, we take this time to tell a tale, the tale of the day Miss (Y/N) Merlyn nearly killed me" Oliver began. Oliver recited the story, getting a few eye-rolls from (Y/N), "Happy 32nd birthday (nickname), hope you have a good day"

"Thanks, Ollie, goodnight" They hung up and (Y/N) began laughing.

"He does that every year? For how long?" Slade asked.

"I'm 32, he started it around... 18 years" (Y/N) sighed, she started sitting up, holding a blanket to her chest. "I should get home, dad is going to want to do another tradition soon"

"Go to dinner with me on Friday?" Slade said.

(Y/N) looked back at, smirked, kissed his cheek and nodded. "Pick me up at 7"

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