Asking You To Move In: Part One

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(Y/N) and Oliver had been dating for over 6 months and (Y/N) had spent more time in Star city than she did in Central City, so finally, Oliver came to Central City to ask her to move in with him.

(Y/N) was in Jitters writing another article when Oliver came in. "My favourite journalist" He smiled.

"Hey" She kissed him, "What are you doing in town?"

"I wanted to take my girl on a date" He smiled, "You free tonight?"

"Uh, yes" (Y/N) smiled.

"Great, I'll pick you up at 7" He smiled. "I need to talk to your brother"

"Okay, he's at the CCPD" (Y/N) said, "I should actually get home, Iris wants to discuss her birthday party"

"I'll see you later" He kissed her before they went their separate ways. 


(Y/N) was putting on her earrings on, she was dressed in a black dress with a white bodice. "Oliver is here!" Iris called up.

"Coming!" (Y/N) grabbed her clutch and made her way downstairs. Barry and Joe were standing in the living room, waiting. "Hey"

"You look beautiful" Oliver smiled, kissing her.

"Naw" Iris coo'd, "I ship it"

"Really?" (Y/N) asked.

"Love you, (nickname)" Iris smirked.

"Come on, before I get more embarrassed" (Y/N) said, pulling Oliver along.

"Have fun!" Iris cheered.

"Not too much," Joe said.

"Love you guys" (Y/N) said before closing the door. 


(Y/N) and Oliver laughed about a story (Y/N) was telling. "He hit the wall harder than I thought he would" (Y/N) laughed.

"I thought he was smart" Oliver smirked, taking a sip of his wine.

"I thought so too" (Y/N) said. They calmed down before Oliver finally decided to ask.

"Move in with me?" Oliver said flat out.

"What?" (Y/N) asked.

"Move in with me" Oliver smiled.



(Y/N) stayed at Barry's apartment between missions already, but when Barry noticed the apartment was getting a little cramped with their stuff gathering, he decided to make it his mission to find them a home.

After searching the internet for a small starter home, he found one he loved and could guess she would love as well.

(Y/N) had come back from a long mission, tired and a little bruised. "Hey" Barry greeted as she kicked off her shoes.

"Hi" (Y/N) smiled. "It smells terrific in here"

"Lasagna, your favourite" Barry smiled, kissing her cheek. "I have a surprise after dinner"

"Awe, Barr" (Y/N) sighed, "Thank you"


"I don't care that you can't see, it's supposed t be like that" Barry laughed, leading you out of the car.

"I dislike not seeing, it's a Time Mistress instinct" (Y/N) huffed. 

"Shhh" Caitlin scolded Cisco as the stepped up the steps.

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