Who You Are Jealous Of

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Nyssa Al Ghul:
Whilst she and Oliver had never been legally married, nor did they have any romantic feelings for one another. She just got under your skin. She would always call Oliver 'Husband', and it just got to you. At one point Cisco had to lock you in meta-dampening cuffs.


Iris West:
Barry admitted twice that he had feelings for Iris, but he said the feelings faded when he began seeing you. That didn't stop her from trying to get him to confess again and run off with her. You can't say how many times you stopped time to yell profanities at her, before smiling and walking away.


Talia Al Ghul:
Your step-sister absolutely despised you. So when you two ran into each other in Russia circa 2018, she immediately began flirting with Leonard knowing it would get under your skin. You stayed calm, remembering your step-father's training (her father). You left her with a broken arm as you and Lenny completed the mission.


Kendra Saunders:
After Carter died, she became pretty sad-flirty, she flirted with Ray the most. You got pretty upset, to the point they locked you in the walk-in freezer, though Ray sat with you and told you he only loved you.


No One:
Not saying he is not hot, in the right outfit... damn... But he just never looked at other women. He could sit looking at you for hours, thinking about how he got you. So you never worried about other women... Maybe other men, but let's be honest, we ship the bromance #SCHOLSEN


Lucy Lane:
Of course, you'd be jealous of his ex-girlfriend, but the thing is you don't want to be jealous of Lucy, she supports both of you. It's just his relationship with her was strong, so I guess you were just jealous of their strength.


No One:
He is considered a dead man walking, no female criminals would dare try to get with him, especially once word got out he was Circe's man now.


No One:
He didn't have much contact with other women, you weren't even jealous of Rebecca cause you respected her. If you did have to say you were jealous of someone, it would be your own mother. Yea... your own mother who had a son with your boyfriend...


No One:
He has been devoted to you since day one, yes he did date before you, but with no one significant. There might be a time you'll get jealous of the snobby rich girls coming for him, but none of them stand a chance against you


Lois Lane:
They dated from University to their start as journalists for the Daily Planet when Lois broke stuff off with him. They still work together, meaning they still see each other, so it can get... weird...


Ava Sharpe:
They worked closely together to create the Time Breau, you tried to help, but your ideas would be shot down and Ava's would be favourited. It caused a few arguments, a few incomplete curses, and some serious anger from your brother, but you and Rip started working through it.


No One:
While he still works closely with his ex-girlfriend, you are actually good friends with her. You never have to be jealous of anyone, unless you count his bow...

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