Becoming 'Official': Part Two

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(Y/N) was in the cave, typing up a report for Queens Consolidate, or what was now Queen-Smoak Tech. Felicity was working on new tech with Curtis, and Oliver was fixing more arrows. It had been a long night previously, so everyone decided today would be relaxing and simple recon.

Slade came in, seeing everyone and giving them confused looks. "Whose doing rounds tonight?" He asked.

"Rene and Thea" (Y/N) said, "I have work"

"Today?" He asked. (Y/N) looked up and saw him in a suit.

"Oh" (Y/N) said, "I completely forgot" 

"In her defence, she has been hunched over papers for about 4 hours" Curtis piped up.

"That's fine, love" He walked over and kissed her forehead. "You just started a new company"

"I can help with a date tomorrow" Felicity volunteers, "I know it's not easy for you two"

"Thanks, Fel" (Y/N) smiled.

"If you guys aren't going out tonight, spar?" Oliver asks.

"Let me change" Slade heads off.

Tommy and Malcolm came in next, debating something. "(Nickname), tell me, you and Slade, are you official or not?" Tommy asked.

"What?" (Y/N) asked.

"I say you and Slade are official, he's saying you aren't," Malcolm said.

"I mean... He practically moved in with me" (Y/N) said, "Than again he can't actually get his own apartment" 

"I say their official" Felicity said.

"Yea, I mean, I thought they were married," Curtis said.

"No marriage" Malcolm stated.

"Gee dad, don't you want grandkids?" (Y/N) laughed.

"No grandkids!" Malcolm exclaimed.

"I love his reaction every time I say that" (Y/N) giggled. 

"You didn't answer my question!" Tommy stated. "Are you Slade Wilsons official girlfriend?"

"Yes," Slade said, stepping out from the locker room. "Though, I would say I am (Y/N) Merlyn's boyfriend"

(Y/N) giggled as Slade leaned down and kissed her. "Terrific! She's your responsibility now! Good luck" Tommy shook his hand and ran off. Slade looked at her, giving her a look.

"I am pretty reckless" (Y/N) shrugged.

"Good thing I'm a risk taker"


Malcolm and (Y/N) had been on 10 dates before Malcolm asked her to be official. In fact, he sold her flat, moved her in, and given her tons of gifts before they made it official. Thea even said they were practically married by the time they were official.

(Y/N) had been relaxing by the pool after a long shift, just reading a book. Malcolm came out, smiling and sitting at her feet. "Hello," He smiled.

"Hi" (Y/N) smiled.

"I have something for you," He said, pulling out a jewelry box. "It was my grandmothers"

"Oh wow" (Y/N) put her book down, taking the box and admiring it. "It's beautiful"

"I know it's cliche, but would you be my official girlfriend," He asked.

"Oh, of course, Malcolm" (Y/N) kissed him. 

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