Who Ships You

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Caitlin and Iris
They supported the relationship long before you two met, they loved to imagine how you met. When you two finally met, they began shipping it even more than before, you are pretty sure they started planning your wedding the minute you became official.


Sara and Mary
Sara had waited for you two to meet, so when you went looking for your family, she referenced Barry in passing and you immediately went to him. 

Mary, your adoptive mother, knew you would end up with Barry. Before the Time Masters died out, your and Barry wouldn't be able to be together due to him being a speedster and most Time Masters hated speedsters. Though now you played by your own rules, she knows you two are perfect for one another.


Nyssa and Sara
Sara had hoped you'd find someone while looking for your new life, so she was extremely happy when you and Leonard got together, she even told Leonard about places he could take you on dates.

Nyssa always wanted the best for you, you had been her only real family in the League so she was happy for you when you returned to your timeline telling her all about Leonard. Though she threatened Leonard that if he ever hurt you, she'd slice his throat and leave him to die on Lian Yu.


Lisa and Caitlin
Your aunt has been there for you since day one, she was the only mother figure you had, so she taught you everything there is to flirting. When you told her you had a sweet, honest, genius, hot new boyfriend, she supported it instantly, but don't get her wrong, she'll turn him into gold if he does anything wrong.

Caitlin had known Ray and you would've been a good match when she first saw a photo of you two on a mission back in the 50s, she supported it and even helped him with dates. Though killer frost doesn't approve as much.


James and Alex
Alex had witnessed the ups and downs of Winn's dating life, so when you came into his life, she became your biggest supporter. She even occupied your parents when you were hiding your relationship from them.

James had witnessed your dating ups and downs, so much like Alex, he ensured you and Winn were able to make it work. He endured his ex-would-be-father-in-law to make sure you and Winn didn't get busted.


Kara and Lena
Lena had been your friend before she took over L-corp, most billionaires siblings know each other, so she had been there for you when you had break-ups and heartbreaks. She was happy to hear you found someone nice to be with.

Kara was just an amazing friend, she helped you plan surprises for James, she helped James plan dates. She was just your top supporter.


Thea and Felicity
Even though Slade killed Thea's mother, she wanted you to find happiness, and if that was with the Deathstroke, she would ensure it would happen. She planned dates for you guys, she made sure no one would find him and out him. She just wanted her best friend and sister to be happy.

Felicity hated Slade, but like Thea, she wanted you to be happy. She would help Thea plan your dates and she even masks your locations, hacking into cameras and computers to make sure neither of you would be busted. 


Nyssa and Tommy and Thea
Your sister despised and hated Malcolm, in fact, she would kill him if she got the chance, but she loved you far more. She made sure your relationship worked, she put up with Malcolm for you, and she even gave excuses to your father when you didn't return to Nanda Parbat.

Tommy hadn't seen his father happy like he was since his mother died, so he supported you both. He even sent his father some date ideas, and he accepted you into the family.

Thea loved seeing you two happy, but she also liked to tease you. She calls you mom, momma, mother, and basically annoys you whenever she wants. It's a good thing you love her.


Diana and Thea
Diana had always looked up to Tommy as a father-figure, especially since her real father was never around. She was so happy when you two became official, she immediately started calling him her step-dad. 

Thea had been like another sister to you, especially after the whole Gambit thing. She babysat Diana for free when you were in school, and she was excited when you and Tommy began dating, in fact, she helped plan your first date (Like she wasn't years before).


Kara and Alex
Kara had wanted her little cousin to be happy, so when he started smiling all the time when he was with you, she shipped it. She tried her best to stay out of your guys' personal stuff, but there are times she can't help herself.

Alex just genuinely liked you as a couple, she was happy to hear you two became official, she even sent you guys some champagne. Plus she's amazing at giving you two advice.


Barry and Caitlin
Caitlin had been the person you told about your ex, she let you cry on your shoulder, and she even helped you forget him with karaoke (Which she swore she would never do again after the fiasco with Barry). She was happy for you when she saw how happy you were with Rip.

Barry had known Rip liked you from the minute he introduced you to him. He knew you two would end up together, so he shipped it immediately. But he's also protective of you, so he also doesn't fully like Rip.


Lisa and Cisco
Cisco had looked over you when you discovered your powers and your aunt brought you to them to test you, and he's been there for you since (You may call him uncle). He was excited when you and Roy began flirting, mostly because he knew you two would end up together.

Lisa had been the one to deal with your exes, so she was happy when you began dating a 'good-guy'. She even held your father back when he got upset about you sneaking out to see Roy. She's always been in your corner.

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