Becoming 'Official': Part One

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Oliver and (Y/N) had been dating for a few weeks, he was in Star City and she was in Central City, but they visited often. (Y/N) would bug Barry to run her to Star City so she could spend time with him.

Today (Y/N) was in Star City, going over articles she was writing before sending them in. She was sitting on the island in the Queen sibling's loft, and Oliver was making lunch. Thea was out with Felicity, so the place was to themselves.

"What about 'The Emerald Archer saves a bank full of civilians from a bomb'?" (Y/N) asked. 

"Well, I love that you want to help get me better publicity, but don't you think you're being a little bias?" He walked over, putting a sandwich in front of her.

"Who said I was giving you good publicity? I criticized your evacuation techniques" (Y/N) smirked. Oliver looked over her shoulder, reading the article while resting his hands on her waist and chin on her shoulder.

"Okay, I didn't realize the bomb was right under the door," Oliver said.

"I know that sweetie, but like you said I can't be to bias" She smirked.

"Using my own words against me? Wow" He said, walking back to the fridge.

The door opened and Thea and Felicity came in. "Hey" Thea greeted. 

"Hi" (Y/N) smiled.

"I didn't know you were in town, (Y/N)" Felicity smiled.

"I came in last night" (Y/N) said.

"I heard" Thea glared, (Y/N) blushed, biting into her sandwich. 

"What even are you two? You guys are dating but not official?" Felicity asked.

"I mean-" (Y/N) looked at Oliver with a questioning look.

"Oliver Queen aka (Y/N) Allen's boyfriend has a ring to it" he smiled.

"I guess we're official" (Y/N) smiled at Thea and Felicity.

"I'm alerting EVERYONE about this" 


Long distance relationships are hard, long distance relationships through time? 10x harder. But Barry and (Y/N) was making it work. 

(Y/N) spent time between missions in Central City with Barry, becoming an honorary member of Team Flash. Barry would spend the night on the waverider when he could, eventually becoming an honorary Legend. 

(Y/N) and Barry were relaxing in her room after a date, (Y/N) was reading a book while Barry was looking at the files for one of his cases. "Miss Hunter, you're being called by Mister Queen" Gideon announced.

"Oliver?" (Y/N) asked. "Answer"

"You need to get to Star City now" Oliver stated.

"What?" she asked.

"Your father and brother are here, and you need to stop them before they kill each other," Oliver said.

"We'll be there asap" (Y/N) said. "Gideon, alert my brother we are going to Star City"

"Of course" (Y/N) took Barry's hand and dragged him.

"We can take the dropship" (Y/N) said. "I need to get to them instantly"

"Okay, let's go"


Oliver had lured Slade into the Arrow cave, and Thea had managed to talk Joe into sitting down with her in the training room of the cave when they saw each other and charged, only to be frozen.

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