Your Best Friends

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Guy: Cisco Ramon
You spent a lot of time at STAR labs while your brother was in his coma, Cisco became someone you could tell your troubles to. He became another brother to you.

Girl: Iris West
Iris and you have been partners-in-crime since you were kids. She was only a year older than you, but you had been a sister to you, she became your sister when you were legally adopted by Joe.


Guy: Rip Hunter
You were 5 years younger than him, but he was your adoptive brother. He looked over you as much as possible, and you ensured he stayed sane.

Girl: Sara Lance
When Rip and you were recruiting the legends, Sara was your top pick, mostly because she was formerly dead and she had ties to your father. But you two became very close, she opened up to you and you opened up to her. Barry jokes that if you were ever to leave him, it would be for her.


Guy: Oliver Queen
You had met each other along his adventures off Lian Yu, you two trained together for months and eventually went your separate ways, but when you two reunited, you became fast friends and even faster partners.

Girl: Sara Lance
You and Nyssa had spent days nursing her back to health after Lian Yu. You helped train her, taught her stuff no other member of the League would've been taught. You were excited when she gave you the chance to start a new life, and you thank her for introducing you to Lenny almost every month 


Guy: Barry Allen
Although you were A) a lot younger and B) on different ends of the spectrum, Barry was your best guy friend throughout your young adulthood. You met him at a bar when he was just about to graduate from University, you two talked the entire night, you may have hooked up, you can't remember. But you two ended up becoming good friends and you became his wingwoman.

Girl: Caitlin Snow
She kept you grounded during Barry's time in a coma. She made sure you didn't get yourself killed, especially with your new powers. You both became good friends, but often bumped heads. But she's always been someone you can count on.


Guy: James Olsen
Whilst he is your sister's ex-boyfriend, you two became good friends while he was dating Lucy. You stayed in contact, often calling each other, making sure each other were healthy and good. He's essentially a brother now.

Girl: Alex Danvers
You both bonded over being overshadowed by your sisters, as well as being great at hand-to-hand combat. You became partners-in-crime almost instantly


Guy: Him
You didn't have a lot of guy friends, so he ended up becoming your best guy friend. You were able to tell each other everything, and it brought you two closer. If your girl best friend couldn't be there for you, he would be there.

Girl: Kara Danvers
You two had to deal with your brother's stupidity for after the Red-K incident, you had apologized for it, and she had accepted the apology. You were invited to Friendsgiving and soon enough became absolute best friends, she also basically adopted you...


Guy: Oliver Queen
You grew up with him, he was your brothers best friend so you had to deal with him. Eventually, you both became brotherly-sisterly... meaning you annoy the eff out of each other.

Girl: Thea Queen
You use to babysit her a lot, she began looking up to you as an older sister, and eventually, you found out she actually was your younger sister. You bonded over your brothers and became the biggest partners-in-crime.


Guy: None
The guys within the League looked down to you, so you never really had any guy friends. Though, Oliver Queen could qualify.

Girl: Nyssa Raatko
Of course, your twin sister would be your best friend, you know everything about each other, people in the League use to believe you could communicate with each other telepathically when you were younger, it must've faded as you got older, but your closeness stayed strong


Guy: Him
The Lances, Merlyn, and Queens were very close, but you had been closer to him. He was someone you could always trust.

Girl: Laurel Lance
Laurel is your older sister who helped you through everything, when you got pregnant she supported you the most. She's Diana's godmother and has helped you the most with raising her. 


Guy: Tommy Merlyn
You and Tommy were the friends that everyone wanted to get together, but you never looked at him like that. Though he was your best friend and you could trust him with anything. His death made you depressed, but you knew you couldn't give up and you know he's watching over you.

Girl: Sara Lance
When Oliver and Sara returned, they had changed, which also changed your opinions on Sara. Sara had been a little cold to you growing up, but her change also brought your friendship. She trained you, much to Oliver's distaste. She made sure you could take care of yourself, and eventually gifted you your first bow and quiver.


Guy: Barry Allen
Your brother despised Barry for unknown reasons, but you took a liking to him and became good friends. When your brother was suffering at the hands of Alchemy and Savitar, he helped you save him. Rip likes to say you two were destined to be siblings.

Girl: Caitlin Snow
Your brother's ex-girlfriend was the last person you thought would be your BFF, but you two clicked and you became sisters. If you ever got into a fight with anyone, you would go straight to her, and if the fight got physical, Killer Frost would come out to play.


Guy: Leonard Snart
Your father had raised you since birth, and he has always and will always be there for you. Though he is sort of a helicopter parent, you understand that he doesn't want to be like his father, so you assure him all the time that he is doing a great job. 

Girl: Lisa Snart
Your father kept you hidden from the world during your early years, so your only friends were your father, Mick, and your awesome aunt Lisa. She looked over you, taught you everything you know, she gave you clothes, makeovers, she taught you to pickpocket (only when necessary) and made sure your first date went smoothly. She knows all of your secrets.

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