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He had lied to you, twice.

You came back from Central City spending the weekend with your family for Joe's birthday. When you arrived at the apartment, Oliver and Felicity were mid-argument about something.

Felicity ended up storming out and Oliver ended up throwing a glass, which narrowly missed you. You asked him what was wrong and he said Felicity wanted to leave the team because of you.

You got into an argument and you ended up going to see Felicity and tried to talk her into staying, but she ended up revealing something.

She wasn't leaving the team, she was being kicked out by Oliver because she dug up information by accident. He had a son named William.

You confronted him and he lied to your face saying she was lying and trying to gain sympathy from the team, but one call to Barry proved him otherwise.

You left to stay in Central City for a while.


He ditched you for Iris

You were dealing with the Legion of Doom for weeks on end, hardly getting to go back to Central City to spend time with Barry, so when you finally got a break and got home. Barry surprised you with big fluffy blankets and movies, and just as you're about to relax Iris calls and he is out the door.

You thought maybe she was in trouble, but as minutes turned to hours you began to think maybe she was hurt. So you called Joe who said Barry and Iris were making cake at his house. You stormed over there and found them laughing in the kitchen.

"I'm just going to kill Eobard Thawne, be back next year" -You

Barry followed you out of the house trying to stop you, but you were pissed. He ended up getting angry and you started yelling in the street.

You went back to the waverider and stayed away from Central City.


You were sparring with Sara too much

You had spent days with Sara sparring, occasionally joining the team for a mission. Leonard was getting fed up and you two began arguing... and arguing... and arguing... for. 7. long. days.

Eventually, you had enough and told him the reason, your mother wasn't dead, in fact, she was alive and still fighting, but was working for the people that nearly killed you hundreds of times.

You stopped talking to him and roomed with Sara for a while.


You left the ship without telling anyone/"You" hooked up with Barry

You were in 2010 Central City, it was around the time you first met Barry, so you snuck out to watch you and find out if you had hooked up with Barry or not.

"You" and Barry got shitface drunk and began making out, which led to you both hooking up in the bar bathroom before staying at his apartment.

You returned to the Waverider to find everyone waiting for you, they gave you shit for leaving without telling them. You told them what you had done and sparked the argument with Ray.

You got annoyed halfway through the fight so you went back to 2016 to spend some time with Lisa.


His ex-girlfriend came to town

Lyra came into town and asked Winn to catch up over coffee, you were okay with it. Then she asked him to dinner, you were okay with it. Then she asked him to lunch the following day, you were okay with it. Then she asked to stay over, that was the straw that broke the camels back.

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