e l e v e n

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m i a  /  e l e v e n

Kade Lawson is back at school today, and it's hard having to avoid him all through morning classes. I sigh into my Biology textbook, knowing that I wouldn't be able to avoid him during break unless I hide out at the library. And there's no way Caitlyn would allow me to do that. Something about the library being the main dork, nerd and weirdo hangout spot.

So when the bell rings for break, I pull up my hoodie over my head, keeping my head down as I navigate my way through the crowd of students rushing to the caff. I'm back in usual clothes today, not knowing whether Kade would be here or not, but nevertheless it was getting tiring having to wear baggy jeans and loose cardigans.

Clearly Caitlyn's plan failed.

Before I even enter the cafeteria, Kade Lawson is at my arm. His hazel brown eyes are bright, filled with something that looks a lot like hope. I wince, hoping that the outcome of this isn't too bad.

It usually is, though. I somehow always end up leaving chaos in my wake.

"Hi, Mia. How are you?"

"I'm good, thanks. And you?" I ask, trying not to sound too disinterested. Kade replies to my formality happily, and sooner rather than later, I find myself sitting on the popular table, with Kade, his soccer teammates, and a few girls, the kind that I'm not. Nevertheless, when Kade introduces me, they all smile and say hi, and I tell myself that I've got to be friendly.

I take a small bite of my sandwich, wondering what I'm doing here. I don't belong on this table. Also, where is Caitlyn and why hasn't she come to rescue me yet?

I'm so busy in my thoughts that I don't realize that Kade has stepped onto the bench we're all sitting on. He taps a plastic spoon against the exterior of a Pepsi bottle, and I freeze.

God, no. Don't let this happen.

Needless to say, my prayers go unanswered. Kade opens his mouth, and the words that leave his lips leave me feeling like I need to escape.

"There's something I want to ask someone special." Kade turns to me, "Mia. I know I've been dancing around this for a while now, but I hope you've changed your mind. You're one of the most gorgeous girls I've even seen. Would you do me the honor of taking you on a date?"

I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe.

The attention of the entire cafeteria is on me, and I feel their stares penetrating through me. I notice Caitlyn just enter the cafeteria, a lunch tray in her hands, her mouth dropping open. She widens her eyes at me, gesturing for me to reply to Kade. I turn back to Kade hesitantly, and it's only when my eyes meet his that I realize that I can't say no.

The hope in his eyes fill me with so much of guilt. The horror of his mom, the principal herself, Mrs Lawson, requesting me to say yes. Everyone's eyes on my back.

I don't want to hurt Kade, don't want to break his heart. God knows I know what that feels like. And so, my reply changes within a minute.

"Okay. Just one date, though."

. . .

is she going to lead him on? is she going to break his heart?
or is she going to actually fall for him?
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