t h i r t y - e i g h t

79 13 0

m i a  /  t h i r t y - e i g h t

"Darling? There's something I wanted to tell you last night." Dad looks at me above his morning cup of coffee, and I almost feel my cereal coming right up, I'm so surprised.

"What's up, Dad?"

"I've got a new job. At the new travel agency that opened up over in Greenwood."

I stare at Dad, a slow grin spreading over my face. "Dad! But that's great news!" I pause, "Wait. When did you quit your last one?"

Dad straightens his tie, and it's only then that I notice that he has on a new blazer, a new red tie, and his hair is combed neatly and on to the side. "Last week. It wasn't working for me anymore." Dad smiles, "But I'm onto the scene again! Mia . . . it's time for us to move on. We've spent a lot of time grieving . . . but the world is ours, right now."

I almost cry, I'm so happy. I get up and walk over to Dad's side of the table, throwing my arms around his neck in a hug. I breathe in, the scent of his aftershave familiar and comfortable.

When I pull away, Dad's eyes are filled with emotion. I return to my seat on the opposite end of the kitchen table, eating a spoonful of cereal. Dad watches me, and then smiles, "Mia, darling. You're happier these days. I see it in your eyes."

I feel my cheeks heating up, and Dad must notice, because he raises an eyebrow, "Does this have something to do with that Kade boy?"

"That Kade boy?"

"The boy who picked you up the other night? Kade, wasn't it?"

"Oh. Yeah. Kade Ryder." I say. I don't say: the boy I mistakenly DM'ed. The boy I'm falling for. The boy I should stay away from, but somehow can't.

Dad looks slightly amused. "You should invite him over for dinner."


"Dinner. You should call him over one of the nights."

I'm so surprised, words fail me. Dad approves of Kade Ryder?

Also, dinner? Dad and I haven't had a proper dinner since last year. All we've done is takeout pizza and Chinese and Indian. Microwaveable pastas and cheese toast.

Dad's expression goes gentle, and he lowers his gaze to the tablecloth. "Things are going to go back to normal, Mia. I promise. Things haven't been too good for this family in a while, has it? It's time for us to get back in the fold of things."

God, I'm so happy.

I haven't been able to say that for so long, but the look on Dad's face is reminding me of a time when life was better, happier.

I think Dad sees the tears in my eyes, and its the same thing I see in his. When Dad says that we should go visit Mom, I agree that it'll help us.

It really will.

Now, if only I could sort things out with these Kade's.

. . .

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