t h i r t y - f o u r

81 13 2

m i a  /  t h i r t y - f o u r

I'm not supposed to be here.

Not with Kade Ryder.

Shit. I'm done for. Cameron Black's going to call Kade Lawson and let him know, and it's going to break his heart, and it's all going to be my fault. I look around me frantically, but there's nowhere to escape, no hideout in sight, because Cameron's already seen me and is walking over.

I want to disappear, but I can't. Cameron walks up to Kade and I, a thoughtful look on his face. Like he's calculating something. As if everything is falling into place. He looks at me, and it's as if his eyes are shooting daggers into mine.

This basically looks like I'm cheating on his best friend. Shit.

"Hi, guys. Mia." Cameron forces himself to look away from my face, finally looking at Kade. "Ryder."

I look at Kade, and I see that he's pieced it all together, looking just the slightest bit amused. "Hey. Black, isn't it?"

Without invitation, Cam slides into the seat opposite Kade and I, placing both his arms on the table. There's an awkward moment when the waitress delivers our order, and it's all silent as we wait for her to leave.

Kade slightly raises an eyebrow to himself; I only notice it because I'm watching him. He then looks at Cam, "You want anything? On me."

Cam smiles, "Sure. Thanks. You go on and order it, yeah?"

I'm taken aback by this; it's obvious that he wants Kade to leave so he could have a word with me. Kade glances at me, his dark eyes asking if he should go, and I nod. The less of an audience, the better.

Once Kade gets up from our table and heads to the café counter, Cam turns to me, his eyes confused.

"Mia. I thought you're dating Lawson? So tell me why it looks like you're on a date with Ryder?" , he asks, tilting his head. His eyes zero in on me as I attempt to explain what's going on.

"Look. I agreed to one date with Kade . . . Lawson, that is. Technically we aren't dating."

I pause, and when Cam looks at me with complete disappointment written all over his features, I hasten to finish. "But this isn't a date either! Kade Ryder and I . . . we know each other. We just ran into each other a few minutes ago."

Cameron sighs, his green eyes boring into mine. I feel uncomfortable; fidgety; pulling the sleeves of Kade's jacket lower over my fingers. Cameron's eyes scan the tables behind me, and then settle on mine again. "I get the feeling that this isn't just friendship. I know guys; I saw the way Ryder looked at you."

I ignore the butterflies that start fluttering at the observation that Kade Ryder looks at me as if I mean something to him. Instead, I struggle to rectify this; explain things to Cameron before it ends up hurting Kade Lawson.

I don't want to hurt him. He's going through stuff right now, isn't that what Cameron said earlier? Something about me keeping him grounded.

The guilt twists, like a knife, in my chest.

I don't know what to say to Cameron, and when both of us realize that Kade Ryder's on his way back to our table, Cam hurries to speak. "Look. I'm just his mate, yeah? I'm just looking out for him. I know you don't . . . have any bad intentions or shit. And I'm not going to tell him about you and Ryder. That's for you to tell. Just . . . tell me you'll end things with Lawson, before it gets too far."

"I will, of course I will. Honest, I wouldn't cheat on him if that's what you're worried about."

"Good. I just see the way Ryder looks at you, and the way you look at him. Y'all like each other, that's obvious."

I'm left speechless, but Kade reaches our table just then, so I'm saved from having to reply. Kade's eyes meet mine as soon as he slides back into his seat, and they're filled with worry. I shoot him a reassuring smile, and he smiles back. I look at Cameron; hoping he hasn't seen this exchange, but he's drinking the coffee that Kade has just brought back.

I've got to end things with Kade Lawson.
. . .

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gosh, mia annoys me sometimes.

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