s ix t e e n

121 18 5

m i a  /  s i x t e e n

I remember a time when I said that I'd never lead someone along, play with their heart. It's exactly what I'm doing right now with Kade Lawson, and the guilt is beginning to seep into my bones. We're sitting across each other at a fancy restaurant in Greenwood, on the other side of town, and the way Kade is looking at me . . . it makes me unable to meet his gaze. He's been sweet, opening car doors, holding doors open for me to walk through, pulling out my chair for me to sit.

I wish it meant something to me, like it does to him.

The waitress has just disappeared into the back of the restaurant with our order, mine which was some sort of a chicken with a fancy name, and Kade's which was something with a Greek name. I think it's safe to say that I don't eat at these types of restaurants much.

Kade watches me look around the room, and our silence is filled with so much awkwardness that I feel almost suffocated. Finally, he breaks the silence, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"So, Mia. Do you like soccer?"

"Soccer? Sort of. I like watching, but I wouldn't call myself a fan."

"Do you come along to our games?"

I pause, "No, not really. Why?"

Kade drops his gaze to the laced tablecloth, "I wanted you to come to one of my matches . . . And . . . wear my jersey, maybe?"

I should say no. I should say no.

But one look at Kade's eyes and I know that I'm going to say yes. I don't want to know what he's going to think of me if I decline, reject, say no. He's going to be hurt. And it's not that I care whether he's hurt or not, it's more like . . . I've never had someone look at me the way Kade does, and I don't want to destroy that just yet. 

So I say yes.

. . .

The next hour flies by quicker, and for that I'm grateful. Kade and I didn't have to speak while we ate, which made things a little less awkward.

We just don't have much things in common, I guess. It's hard to talk to him. Maybe this is a sign that he's not for me, and after the soccer match, I'm no longer ignoring the sign.

Kade's car is parked a street away, and we've got to walk. He holds the restaurant door open for me, and I walk out, waiting for him on the sidewalk. It's chilly, and the cold air hits my bare shoulders, resulting in Kade handing me his denim jacket. I smile at him gratefully, wrapping the jacket around my shoulders.

A loud noise makes me snap my head up. The street seemed empty when I first stepped here, but now I see that there are people further down the street. I furrow my brows, and the loud noise I'd heard ignites my curiosity. I begin taking a few steps forward, but Kade holds me back.

I tug on his hold on my arm, telling him I'll be just a minute, and finally he succumbs. However, he decides to come along closer to the people too, and he takes my hand in his. I don't know how to tell him to let go, so I don't.

Up close, I realize that the people are fighting. Kade and I are crouching low behind a wall, and I'm enthralled by the quick reflexes and fast moves, like a synchronized dance. There are around six guys altogether, and two already lay on the ground, clutching different body parts. I figure it out in my head, this seems to be a fair fight. Three on three. However, the losing team seems to be losing pretty badly. Only one of their guys is up, and he's slowing down fast.

The other two guys from the winning team just stand, one with his arms crossed, observing the fight, while the other looks pretty bored.

I'm still fascinated by the moves of the guy who's still fighting. He pauses for a second, and looks up. In a flash, our eyes meet, and I'm thrown back with something that feels like a bolt of lightning. My eyes are wide, and my heart beats loud; way too loud.

I take a hesitant step back, trying to silence the sound of my heart beating this loud. The guy finally breaks eye contact, focusing on his opponent. I let my eyes pass over the guy. Something about his eyes terrify me, but intrigues me just as much. Cold, hard, empty.

But damn, he's handsome. With a bone structure like cut glass; killer cheekbones, defined jawline. He has dark, messy hair, which keeps falling into his eyes, and dark eyebrows which arch perfectly over his eyes. Perfect lips. A straight, defined nose. Even from a distance, it's clear that his dark eyes are fringed with long, thick eyelashes.

This bad boy looks like an angel.

Kade hisses my name in the silence, and I'm thrown out of my reverie. He grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet, and we run the short distance to his car. Once we're inside, Kade is stiff, while I press a hand to my chest, trying to calm down.

What just happened?

. . .

oh my. what have we got here

this is low key my favorite chapter so far. let me know which one was yours!
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