s e v e n t e e n

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k a d e  /  s e v e n t e e n

The fight was simple, and it was a clean win. I'm sitting in my car, the streetlight bright outside. I rake my fingers through my hair, thoughts in my head running into each other like a stack of cards falling.

The fight was simple, and easy to decipher, but what happened during the fight was not. One second, I was throwing a punch at the last of the Sanchez guys, and my heartbeat was normal, and everything was laid out in front of me, as if I held the whole world in the palm of my hands.

And the next second, I looked up, and my eyes met the ones of a girl. A girl crouching behind a wall, watching the fight with entranced eyes. Eyes that shined so bright, with the sort of light in them that I don't see in mine anymore.

And somehow, it felt as if my world was colliding. It still does.

She was stunning, but not in the usual, typical way. With dark, long hair, and pretty brown eyes that seemed to look straight into my soul. A bit of a mischievous smirk, until we'd locked eyes and she looked as if she'd seen a ghost, and the smirk disappeared.

Who is this girl, and what was she doing watching the fight on High Street alone? Or was she alone? I hadn't seen anyone with her, but that could be because my eyes were only on her.

I sigh into the silence of my car, then turn the key in the ignition to start driving. The drive home is short, and I wonder whether Miles, my boss, or Aidan had seen her too. It's not that they would have done anything, but if Aidan had seen her, then maybe he have given me a bit more information about her.

Aidan is a low-profile hacker, the best of ours, and he could find out anything about anyone in a matter of seconds. As well as this talent, he's pretty much equally talented on the streets as well.

I decide upon questioning him about the girl tomorrow.

Once I've reached home, I see that all the lights are off, besides a tiny light by the front door. I smile, knowing that was Mom. Both Mom and Dad must be asleep by now.

When I'm in my bedroom, I switch on my phone. A single train of thought lingers in my head, and I realize with a jolt that I haven't spoken to Mia Lynch ever since that day that she'd blocked me. Something about Mia sticks in my head, and it doesn't give me any rest until I've created another account on Instagram and requested to follow her.

I sigh, exhausted. It's been a long day, and something about these two girls blur until they've merged into one. I fall asleep, my final thoughts before my head hits the pillow remaining unknown.

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