f o u r t e e n

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m i a  /  f o u r t e e n

I reel back, my heart in my throat. My fingers tremble, and before I acknowledge that what I'm feeling is more hurt than anger, I block him. It only takes a second, a quick tap of a button, but my fingers are trembling. I don't know why, but Kade Ryder's words hurt. As if his opinion actually matters to me.

I could tell that he was in an off mood. That should've been a sign, but I stayed. And provoked him. And of course, I regret it. He mentioned my mom and somehow that still got to me. It's been a few years, but it still cuts deeper than a knife.

. . .

The next morning during lunch, I'm made to sit at Kade Lawson's table again. Kade grins at me above the grinning faces of his friends, including Cameron Black, and I smile back weakly. It gets a bit too much when he wraps his arm around my shoulder, and I try inching away without it being too obvious.

It's when I'm about to take a bite of my pizza when two of the cheerleaders on the table, Sierra and Madison, raise their eyebrows at each other before turning to me. "You're going to eat that?"

I frown, "Yes. Why?"

The crease between Sierra's eyebrows pull tighter, and I almost shrink under her harsh gaze. "We don't do that here, honey. Too much calories." She pauses, eyeing me out. "You are trying out for cheerleading, aren't you? All of us girlfriends are in the squad."

Us girlfriends? Um. I'm not Kade Lawson's girlfriend, and I thought that was pretty clear, but it's not.

And cheerleading? No, thanks, honey. I'll pass.

I tell them so, and Sierra seems more than just a little pissed off about this. "Why not? You are one of us, now. You can't keep going by the rules you went with before."

"I was fine with how things were, before. So I think I'll pass, thanks." I say, focusing on my pizza. Taking a large bite, I close my eyes in mock satisfaction. "Mmm. Who cares about cheerleading? Calories any day."

Sierra turns to Madison, her eyes wide and beginning to turn cold. "Doesn't seem like she's going to fit in much."

I take no notice, continuing to eat my pizza, but I am pissed off when Kade turns around and joins into the conversation. "Actually, Mia, you should try out for the squad. It'll be good."

I raise my eyebrows. "Didn't I just say no?"

"But Mia, you're in this group now. You've got to do stuff like us now." This comes from Madison, and Kade nods his head in agreement. I'm the tiniest bit offended, but not surprised. It's not like I thought that Kade was actually that nice, or anything.

"Fine, okay. Maybe I'll just try out once." I don't know where this comes from, but it's out of my lips before I know it. I clamp my hand over my mouth, but it's too late. Sierra nods in approval, and Madison manages the tiniest of smiles at my direction.

Kade turns to me again, grabs my hand and holds it in his. "Actually, now that we're speaking, I wanted to ask you. Are you free tonight?"

"Tonight?" I mentally scan my afternoon and evening schedule, knowing that I will, actually, be free. "Yeah, I will. Why?"

"I wanna take you out. Pick you up at 6?"

I nod, dreading tonight already. "Sure. Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." Kade smiles at me, his hazel eyes soft, and I promise myself that I'm going to end this thing, after tonight.

. . .

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