t w e n t y - o n e

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k a d e  /  t w e n t y - o n e


That's the only thought in my mind right now. I can't think. I can't register.

I watch as the girl from High Street turns on her back and disappears into the crowd, and when I catch a glimpse of the name on the back of her jersey, I almost let loose a swear word. Lawson. Lawson. Kade Lawson. That's the name of Greytowns soccer captain, the one Coach Hudson warned me about.

So she's Lawson's girl?

The sun hangs high in the sky, and the boys on my team are excited, hyped up, full of energy. I turn my head to the side, my brow furrowed, and Aiden Harrington, one of my attacking midfielders, notices the look on my face. "What's up, Ryder?"

"Uhh . . ." I drag out, contemplating whether to ask him. I'm pretty sure he's the type of guy who keeps up with who's-dating-who.

Cocking my head in the direction of where Kade Lawson is standing with his team, I ask, "You know Lawson, right?"

"Yeah. Who doesn't?"

"Any idea if he's got a girlfriend?"

Aiden raises his eyebrows, a growing smirk on his face. "Nah, don't think so. Heard someone say that someone's wearing his jersey, though."

I roll my eyes at Aiden. "Doesn't that mean he does have a girlfriend, then?"

"Not necessary. Bet she's just wearing the jersey for this game, nothing else." He pauses. "Wait, why all the questions?"

I shake his question off, "Nothing. Don't worry. Focus on the game, yeah?"

Aiden raises an eyebrow again, "Dude, you're the one asking about a girl like you've got a crush or something, not me."

I roll my eyes, ignoring where his train of thought is leading to. I don't have a crush. But she's the girl from High Street, the one who struck me as different. Then again, I don't know her. And if she's Lawson's girl, then it's better that I just leave this alone.

. . .

The game is over, and celebration curls high in the air as I high-five Coach Hudson. Albert Einstein High won cleanly, a 3-1 victory, thanks to Aiden, who scored a single goal, and myself, the remaining two.

A difficult game, sure, but nothing we weren't prepared for. I feel the sweat run down my spine, and I accept a towel from Coach as I head off to the dressing room with my team once again. The crowds are thinning, now, but parents and girlfriends of both the teams still hang around, sipping drinks and eating burgers from the stands. My eyes pass over the crowds, but I don't see the girl from High Street again.

However, Kade Lawson hangs around with a few of the guys from his team, and he looks pretty pissed off. He's looking around him, as if searching for someone, but it's obvious that they're not here. Damn, he's in an off mood. I fight back a smirk as I go over to congratulate him on his game, which was actually quite good, but not enough compared to ours.

"Good game, bro." I say, raising a hand for a high five, but he leaves me hanging; his eyes passing over me briefly, sizing me up one on one. I raise an eyebrow to myself, dropping my hand to my side, when another guy from Greytown High, Cameron Black, I think, congratulates me on our teams win. This leads to a conversation, but before long, it runs into a dead end, and Cameron turns to Lawson.

"Dude, where's Mia? She was wearing your jersey, yeah?"

I pause. And my world collides yet again as Kade Lawson confirms that yes, not just any Mia, but Mia Lynch is the girl who wore his jersey.

The girl I've been speaking to over DMs on Instagram for the past two weeks, the one I've begun getting attached to.

Also, my girl from High Street, with the striking features and bright eyes, who watched me fight as if entranced.

. . .

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