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~ Homewrecker ~
~ day 1 ~
• J O K E R •

Moving her hips against my own, her fingers tugging against the hair on the nape of my neck, I can't help but growl into her mouth, pulling her close to me so that we're chest to chest. The bare skin of her chest was flush against my own exposed skin.

Pulling away from me, she watches me with her emerald green eyes, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. I can't help but reach up and run my thumb over her slightly swollen lips before she gives me a dazzling smile.

"God, you're so...hmm," I hum, smoothing her hair back before taking a handful in my fist and pulling her head back, exposing the soft, sweet flesh of her neck. She gasps with a smile on her lips as I pull her impossible closer to me. This lounge, this entire club was reminiscent of the Laugh and Grin, I almost forget where we are.

Out of the corner of my eye, the sparkle of diamonds in the club lights catch my eye. I pull away from her suddenly, allowing her to move her lips down to my neck. My shoulders tense at the feeling of her warm mouth making its mark, but unable to take my eyes off the sight beyond the two-way mirror beside us.

The diamonds of the single cage in the middle of the floor danced against the purple club lights. I feel my jaw clench as I eye the dancer, my mind morphing the strangers face into one that was so sickly familiar, it gave me a headache.

I could see the dimple in her cheek. I could see her smile. I could see her rolling her eyes at me. I groan, my head goes spinning and I'm forced to momentarily relive the very moment I had talked to her for the first time.

I move my hand from her face and down to her exposed upper thigh and squeeze firmly before trailing it up further up the soft skin of her inner thigh."Your name is Cheyenne, right? What else can I call you?"

"Cheyenne." She chuckles almost coldly as she gently grabs my wrist, denying my hadn't the pleasure of going any further up her leg. I stare at me wrist in her hand before looking back at her, wondering if she'll let me go, surprised that she even had the audacity to stop me. She bites her lip, her expression softening from cold to relaxed. She slips her hands into mine, intertwining our finger, and kissing my knuckles as she maintains eye contact.

"I like you."

"J, that hurts," Hayden hisses, her fingernails digging into my forearms. I snap out of whatever trance I was in, staring down at my hand which had her waist in a death grip. I promptly let go of her, guiding her out of my lap.

"Get dressed," I mutter as she stumbles to her feet. Her eyebrows furrow as she covers herself up, feeling exposed as she begins to realize that I was dismissing her. "Get out. I'll see you later."

"Wha-" she stutters, watching as stand and stalk towards the bar, my headache not ceasing.

"Hayden," I interrupt her along with a look as I pour myself a glass of bourbon and she flushes a deep red, quickly moving to put her top back on and leaving.

I clench my jaw, my teeth grinding uncomfortably while I pace in front of the two-way mirror and bring my drink to my lips. Seeing her was a mistake. Now, I was stuck on her and I had to figure out how I was supposed to convince the Penguin to give me the Gotham Underground.

The door creaks open behind me, but I didn't need to turn around to know it was Frost and few of my other guards. Quickly reading the tension in the room, they moved around silently, taking their positions, but I could tell something was off.

As a matter of fact, something about the entire building was suddenly on tilt. My browline furrows as I watch the light dim a dark red, the song changing, and the air in the atmosphere thickening.

Frown | A Joker Leto Fanfiction | SEQUEL TO 'SMILE' | {BWWM}Where stories live. Discover now