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~ Dahlia & Graham ~
~ day 8 ~
• C H E Y E N N E •

Call "Unknown" back
Missed call (5)
Last call at 11:56 pm

Bouncing my leg, I ignore the fifth call, turn my phone screen off, and will myself to set it down on the far side of the desk facedown. The tip of my nail was tapping against the desk, my mind was moving a thousand miles a minute. Something was wrong. This many calls in such a short time was what we agreed would be a sign of distress. This of all things is the last thing I needed.

It wasn't until I felt Suki nudge my chair with her foot that I had noticed Joker was now in the room and talking to me. When I look up at him, he looks aggravated that I was lost in space until my phone begins vibrating for the sixth time. He looks between me and the phone, tilting his head when he notices that I'm not even trying to move to answer.

"Why won't you answer the phone? Who is that?" He asks, his gaze lingering on my phone. I was positive he was considering picking it up and answering himself, but we both knew he knows better. I glance at my phone shortly and as if on cue, the vibrating stops.

"Nobody important," I lie, looking back up at him. His jaw clenches as he watches me stand. He wanted to call me out on my lie, but I knew he wasn't sure it was a lie and he didn't want to risk calling my bluff after he followed me to Damon's place the other day when we had an agreement.

"Cheyenne-" He starts, his eyes narrowing. His tone made me stiffen slightly because I knew what his next words were gonna be but the door opens behind him, saving me. We both look up and there stood Frost, Hayden, Damon and the girl whose name I learned was Mercy. I couldn't help but stand at the sight of him. Even Suki stood forward and Joker had ignored Hayden, who had wrapped her arm around his.

"I'm sorry we took so long," Damon sighs, pulling the mask off of his face. "We tried her trap in Old Gotham the morning you came, she wasn't there. Some guy, I guess her new assistant? He was coming out of the trap, pocket full of stacks and claimed he was helping her move money, telling us she had just left and we should try her other place. We tried her place in that gated community, but that place was empty. It was foreclosed. We did some digging and it turns out, she's in a high rise condo on the Upper East Side."

"The Upper East Side?" I ask, the astonishment evident in my tone. "You're telling me that her home in Jericho is foreclosed, but she's living in the Upper East Side?"

"Jericho is expensive as hell," Suki scoffs, her arms crossed as she stood next to me. "If se couldn't afford the mortgage on her place in Jericho, she sure as hell can't afford the Upper East Side."

"I thought Joker paid well," Damon says, looking between her and Joker.

"He does, but she's nothing but an accountant at the Laugh & Grin," I sigh, squeezing the bridge of my nose. "There's no way she's getting paid enough."

"I make more money than her and I can just barely afford the UES," Suki chimes in before glancing at Joker. "She's not making more money than me, right J?"

"No, she's not making that much money," He turns to look at her, his jaw clenched as he thought. His answer was curt, a little harsh even. I tilt my head, kind of confused by his sudden disposition.

"What's the problem, Joker?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Huh?" He asks, turning to me suddenly. It was if he had forgotten I as even standing there. "Nothing."

I narrow my eyes at him, tempted to read into it whatever is going through his mind, but Suki interrupts my incoming train of thought.

"A new assistant and an apartment in the UES," She mutters so that only I could hear. I give her a hum and a nod, already knowing where she was going. I pull my coat off the back of the chair as Suki turns to ask another question. "What did she say Damon?"

Frown | A Joker Leto Fanfiction | SEQUEL TO 'SMILE' | {BWWM}Where stories live. Discover now