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~ The Truth ~
~ day 15 ~
• C H E Y E N N E •

"You have no idea how Harley could have gotten into the Underground?" I ask Joker, holding the door open as he carried in our food. He sighs, getting obviously annoyed. This had to be the 10th time I asked in the last three days.

"No idea, sweetheart," he huffs, leading me up the stairs. "Between us leaving for Angel's place and the next afternoon, she somehow got in there without anyone noticing."

"I just can't figure out how she did it," I scoff to myself, as he hands the food to me and leads me into the kitchen where he opens the fridge in search of something. I sigh, waiting for him patiently. "I'm starving."

We'd been holed up in the warehouse by ourselves for the past three days, watching security tape after security tape of footage from the streetlight. I was beginning to think that going for that footage was a major reach. The streetlight was far and angled awkward. The only way we could see anyones face is if they'd looked directly towards the light. We'd seen Dahlia and Graham. We'd even seen Suki and Joker, but it's only because it was hard to miss 6'5 man with green hair next to a 5'2 Japanese woman with hair down to her butt.

"She has her ways," Joker sighs, pulling two beers out of the fridge and motioning for me to follow him upstairs. I do so, cradling the bag of chinese food like a baby.

"Oh, I know," I assure him, rolling my eyes.

It's quiet as we enter the bedroom, both of us situating ourselves. I pull off my sweatpants, switching them out of a pair of shorts from inside my duffel bag.

"Are you ever going to unpack that?" he asks, watching as I pull the shorts up my legs. I glance at him then the bag on the floor before sitting down on the bed.

"I don't know," I sigh, pulling my hair out of it's ponytail. "Never know when I might need to bail."

"We talked about it. We agreed you're staying," he states, making me look at him with one eyebrow cocked.

"No, you agreed with yourself that I was staying," I chuckle, pulling my food out of the bag and opening it. It's silent for a few seconds, which is when I realize he was still looking at me, his gaze hard and upset. "I'm sticking around, Joker. We hashed shit out, there's no reason for me to leave."

He seems somewhat satisfied, but I could still feel him watching as I open my food and begin eating. I sigh, glancing at him. "Can you stop staring at me and play the video?"

He does so, leaving the room completely silent as we watch the tapes. Honestly, I was seconds away from giving up. I was tired of watching the tapes. I had to endure watching through the entire night and day of almost two weeks. Not once had we seen Harley or whoever wrote the note on the back of the picture.

Joker speculated it could have been from a certain ghost from my past, but I refused to believe it. How could he has possibly found me? It had been ten years and if he was on his best behavior, and I mean his very best, he would be out by now, but only a few months out. How could he have possibly found me so fast? How could someone I felt so much for once want to hurt me? If it is him, why won't he show his face?

"What's on your mind?" I hear Joker say, nudging me along with his question. I didn't even realize I had been staring off into space. I just shake my head, going back to eating my food as I try to dismiss the thought. Thankfully, Joker doesn't push it and changes the subject completely. "Where's the...kid? And Medusa?"

My eyebrows furrow, confused on who he meant when he said Medusa. I knew he meant Graham when he said the kid because Graham was younger than both of us, plus there was hesitation in his voice when mentioning him. But, Medusa...?

Frown | A Joker Leto Fanfiction | SEQUEL TO 'SMILE' | {BWWM}Where stories live. Discover now