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~ Patience Is A Virtue ~
~ day 14 ~
• J A M E S •

"Look at you," I chuckle, watching as Mercy comes walking back up to me, cotton candy in one hand, a black headband with pom pom antennas in the other. She smiles as she shakes her head playfully to make her own antennas bounce.

"I got you one, too," she grins, plopping down next to me on the bench before extending the other headband towards me. I take it from her, turning it in my hands. I wasn't sure why I was hesitant to put it on. This whole night has been one big hesitation. This was my third time seeing Mercy, but I was just as nervous as if it were our first date and it was at Amusement Mile. But not only that, these last few days that I'd been going out with her were my first dates since I was 14. I wasn't even sure I could count watching the sunset on top of abandoned buildings as a date.

Despite the October breeze, I was suddenly warm. I could feel that my cheeks were red. I could feel that the shiver in my bones was just pure nerves. I was suddenly hyper aware that this is what it felt like to be normal. This is what people outside of prison did. They spent time with people they cared about. They went on dates. They bought stupid little novelty items like this headband in my hand.  "Do you not like it?"

Mercy's voice pulls me out of thought, making me sit up and clear my throat. "N-No, I do like it. It's just...it's been a while since I've...done...this. It's been a while since anyones really thought about me like this."

"What about your parents?" she's asks carefully, picking a piece of cotton candy off of the large cloud in her hand.

"My parents died when I was 20," I shrug, pulling a pack of cigarettes out of my coat pocket and patting the bottom of the pack before taking one out, setting it between my lips, and lighting it. "I've been by myself since then."

"James," she says, her voice small as she reaches for my hand. "I'm so sorry."

I dismiss her apologies with a shake of the head. I look at her as I take the cigarette out of my mouth and exhale. She was watching me with big brown eyes, her mountain of cotton candy now halfway done. I can't help but chuckle at how curious her gaze was, matching her naturally inquisitive and altogether playful demeanor. I squeeze her hand as I stand up, still holding onto the headband.

"Come on," I say, nodding for her to get up. "Let's go get on the carousel while there's no line."

She gives me a big smile as she stands, letting me pull her along. We're quick to wind through the line while no one was in it so we could get the best seats. When the attendant opens the gate for us, she's already in front of me, aiming for the lead horse. I smile, watching as she climbs up onto the horse and then turns to look at me. "Come on!"

I step up on the platform and sit next to her, facing her and resting one foot on the back of her horse instead of sitting on the horse correctly. She holds the remainder of her cotton candy out to me and I take it, eating it all in one bite.

When the ride is filled with enough people, the carnival music suddenly gets louder, making sure to remind you that you're at a carnival and you're supposed to be having fun. And I was.

I watch Mercy and she holds onto the pole that held her horse, eyes lighting up in the bright multicolored lights. Her expression was filled with pure delight as she giggled to herself as the carousel spun. She looks at me, her cheeks rosy and her eyes twinkling. I smile at her before setting the cigarette I had between my lips, taking the headband I was still holding and setting it on my head. She grins, reaching over and plucking the fuzzy antenna.

 She grins, reaching over and plucking the fuzzy antenna

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