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~ Without Me ~
~ day 32 ~
• C H E Y E N N E •

"This is so fucking unnecessary," Joker grumbles into my earpiece, making me roll my eyes. I glance across the street, eyeing the blacked-out window of the Panda Purveyors van parked inconspicuously.

"Will you just...shut up?" I mutter, turning back towards the moving van in front of me to continue watching Frost pick up one end of my couch. "Hey! Careful with that!"

He halts, turning to me with narrowed eyes making me grimace and Suki snickers behind me. "Sorry," I whisper, giving him a meek grin. "Gotta make it look believable."

"You're an armed, trained, professional assassin with about three armies worth of people backing you," Joker chimes in my ear, an edge of aggravation in his voice. "Why put on a whole show? You shouldn't even be out in broad daylight like this, Cheyenne-"

"You shouldn't even be out in broad daylight like this, Cheyenne~" I mock him, lifting a suitcase from the back of the truck and handing it to Suki before I grab another and follow close behind her. As I walk towards the front door of the apartment building I can't help but scoff as I stare up at the luxury building through my dark sunglasses. "It looks more natural this way, Joker. Who moves into an apartment building in the middle of the night?"

With that, he's silent, having no argument to counter mine. Knowing he just wants to protect me, I sigh before speaking again.

"Besides, you're here to protect me,"I tease, earning me a quiet, delighted chuckle from him. I knew that would ease his worries slightly, but unfortunately, it didn't ease mine.

~ 20 minutes later ~

I lie back on the lounge chair, my glasses over my eyes to block the sun.

"What's wrong?" Graham asks, leaning against the balcony and fearlessly staring straight down. I hum, not knowing what he was getting at exactly. "Your shoulders are tense, you've got one foot on the floor, you're about ready to bolt if you need to. You've got a permanent crease in your brow. You're still on edge, Cheyenne. What is wrong?"

"Nothing, Graham," I chuckle, bringing the blunt to my lip as I do my best to ignore the truth in his statement. Instead, I close my eyes, trying to imagine what it would have been like if I were in the exact spot a couple of months ago. This place would be gorgeous in the summer.

It's silent for a moment and that's when I notice that Graham is approaching me, moving to stand directly in front of me. By the look on his face, I can tell he's not in the mood for me to dance around what the problem was. I sigh, sitting up and allowing him enough room to sit next to me. "Aren't I supposed to feel like something's been accomplished? I know I'm not getting that money back. It's Gotham and once something like that is gone, it's gone. I thought taking the penthouse back would make me feel better, but..."

"It's because this isn't over," Graham states, taking the blunt from me before licking his fingers and putting it out. I roll my eyes, but I don't argue with him. He always hated when I smoked because he wanted me to have a "clear mind" and I can only imagine this situation amplifies the feeling. "This isn't going to be as easy as just taking a penthouse and punishing Angel. There's more to the operation. And now there's this James guy involved and we don't know how he's involved."

It's quiet between us for a couple minutes before I glance at him. I let my eyes wander his face, studying his expression which was etched in thought, his hand covering his mouth. I'd ask him what he was thinking about, but I'm sure that was a loaded question as I knew him well and I knew his mind was moving a million miles a minute. Instead, I nudge him. His looks at me, his expression softening. I make sure my earpiece is completely turned off before I speak again.

Frown | A Joker Leto Fanfiction | SEQUEL TO 'SMILE' | {BWWM}Where stories live. Discover now