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~ Just Like J ~
• P A R T   T H R E E •
~ day 9 ~
• C H E Y E N N E •

"Let me handle this, sweetheart," Joker hums. I roll my eyes, shushing Joker as he holds my wrist to stop me from knocking so he can knock on the door himself and move me out of the way of the peephole.

There's no response, but I can hear a tv on inside, making it obvious that someone was home.

"What's the plan?" Suki whispers to me. I sigh, standing next to the door, just off to the side. When I open my mouth, though, I'm rudely interrupted.

"We're gonna talk to her," Joker says, fixing his watch and cufflinks. "Ask a few questions and-"

"Excuse me," I hiss, narrowing my eyes at him. "She was asking me. And we're not going to ask questions, I'm going to ask questions. You are going to stand there and look pretty."

I take the gum out of my mouth and stick it on the peephole before standing in front of him and beginning to knock continuously.

"Cheyenne, can't you just let me-" Joker scoffs, but I cease my knocking for just a second to shoot daggers at him.

"I don't need you to be my caretaker. I am a grown woman, I don't need you to speak for me!" I growl, making him take a solid step out of my way so that I can continue my knocking. After a minute of knocking, and my knuckles beginning to feel worn, I can hear the lock mechanisms turning hesitantly. The door opens just slightly, the swing guard not allowing the door to open any more.

"Ch-Cheyenne!" Angel exclaims, looking between Joker and I before closing the door. After a second, the door swings open all the way and Angel is advancing toward me, arms open for a hug. "W-When did you get back?"

"This is a really nice place," I state, ignoring her question and her hug. It was open, ceilings tall and the windows were too. The furniture was modern, but oddly cozy with fuzzy throw pillows and blankets. "When did you move in?"

"I, uh...well, I..." she stutters as she watches me pick up a small sculpture on an end table. It was heavy, made out of marble. Obviously expensive. "I've been looking for places for a while. I only made the decision to move in, um...well, in September."

"Oh, after I left," I state instead of questioning. She clenches her jaw, glancing at Joker before hesitantly nodding. I furrow my eyes, looking at Joker before narrowing my eyes at her. "Why do you keep looking at him?"

"Huh? Do I?" She asks, fidgeting with her fingers and adverting her gaze to make sure she made eye contact with me. When I nod, she shrugs. "I-I didn't notice."

I hum, looking between the two of them before turning to Angel completely. "Why don't you, me, and Suki go talk alone?"

"Well, I'm kind of bu-" She starts, but she quickly cuts herself short as I motion for Suki to follow me as I walk past her and towards the balcony. "It's raining..."

"It's not that bad," I assure her, stopping to look at her as Suki opens the sliding door. Upon opening the door, another flash of lighting lights up the outside, followed by a clap of loud thunder. She flinches at the sound and for a moment it seems like she won't budge.

"Angel..." Suki chimes, willing her outside and onto the balcony.

At her tone, her arms drop to her sides and she walks past me and onto the balcony. I don't turn immediately, instead I look at Joker and give him a sarcastic grin. "You're doin' a real good job looking pretty."

Frown | A Joker Leto Fanfiction | SEQUEL TO 'SMILE' | {BWWM}Where stories live. Discover now