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~ Worlds Collide ~
• P A R T T W O •
~ day 9 ~
• J A M E S •

I'd come outside to get fresh air. I spent almost half of my life behind bars. Sharing a space with loud, obnoxious, violent men. But the club atmosphere was too much, even compared to that. Moreover, I couldn't stand being so close to her but so far at the same time. I wasn't sure what was stopping me from just walking up into their office. I knew she was there. I watched her come in, obviously from a distance.

She was wearing all white. An off the shoulder knitted cropped sweater, a matching, tight fitted mini skirt, black red bottoms, a black fur shawl. Her hair was straight, long, the white stripe inducing her with some sort of elegance. I felt choked up. I could feel myself wussing out every time I laid eyes on her.

I should have stayed home. I let Ashton convince me to come out tonight, even though it was clear I hated going to the underground.

I stood all the way across the street opposite of the underground. Leaning against the streetlight, cigarette between my lips, I faced the alleyway that led to the entrance of the club. I watched as a pair of people bound down the stairs on the opposite side of the alley. A male and a female. She was dressed for the club. Short dress, tall heels, neat and bouncy curls, and she was oozing sexuality.

The male on the other hand wore all black. Black jeans, black hoodie, black boots. If it weren't for the light from the moon, I wouldn't have been able to make out either of their faces. They were both young. There was nothing suspicious about either of them, but it did pique my interest when she went into the club, but he didn't. He stayed outside, pacing for a while.

He stood there for about 30 minutes, making call after call before settling against the wall beside the entrance. Normally, I would have gone back into the club, but at this point, I was curious even though I could feel the air becoming heavy and thick with fog that marked a storm. I should have just gone inside.

Instead, I lit another cigarette and continued to watch. Shortly after, the door opens and out comes the girl again. She lets the door shut behind her as she begins to walk away from it.

There's barely a second that passes before the heavy door is pushed open again, two girls emerging. I let out an inaudible gasp almost in time with a sudden clap of thunder erupting as I look at the two women. I recognized them both, one being Cheyenne, the other being her bodyguard. Cheyenne just seems to dissociate for a moment, embracing the damp, cold air as she tilts her chin upwards while her bodyguards flashes her gun at the other woman. Her disposition doesn't seem to waver a bit like everyone else's does in the presence of Cheyenne and her guard, as a matter of fact, she wore a satisfied smirk as she made eye contact with the girl.

It wasn't until the male spoke that Cheyenne seemed to snap out of her trance. She spun on her heel, seemingly taken aback by his presence. I felt like my heart was ripped clean out of my body when I watched as she grabs his hands and pulls him into a tight embrace. She seemed to hold onto him for dear life, relaxing into him before pulling away and cupping his face in her hands. I couldn't stop myself from thinking it and I hated that the thought popped into my head, but I couldn't control it. Couldn't stop it before it came.

That should be me.

I stood there, watched as they continued talking. I couldn't move no matter how bad I wanted to, even when I began to feel a presence in the alleyway behind me.

"It hurts, doesn't it?" I hear a voice purr from my behind me. I don't move and, as bad as I want to, I don't scream at the top of my lungs, but I can feel my chest rising and falling rapidly, my heart beating out of my chest. "Feels like she's ripping your heart right outta your chest."

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