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~ Skeletons ~
~ day 11 ~
• C H E Y E N N E •

"Come on, Suki, breath," Damon calls from the edge of the room, watching as Suki and I train. She had the BoStaff, I had two short katana's. She stood back, glancing at Damon in the mirror behind me.

"She has swords," she breathes, turning around the face him. He looks at me, both of us chuckling as I twirl the katanas in my hand. "All I've got is a pole."

"Suki, I wouldn't hurt you. I may be retired but I'm still a professional. It's also not just a pole. I've been up against armed men with much less," I laugh, watching as she steps back to take a deep breath. "You can shock me with the thing, it's set so it'll barely feel like a mosquito bite."

"B-But..." she starts, her gaze not being able to help but eye the white stripe down the middle of my head. My smile falters, remembering what exactly gave me the stripe to begin with, but I keep the smile on to make sure she knows it's okay.

"I'll be fine," I assure her, stepping back to drop the katanas by the mirror. "Come on. The fight is much more fair, now. Turn it on and let's go."

She seems hesitant until she sees me settle my right foot behind me and raise my fists. She takes a deep breath before twisting the BoStaff on. The quiet hum of electricity coming from it makes my jaw clench, but I bounce a little bit, shaking off the feeling of my skin crawling.

She twirls it between her fingers before taking the same stance as me, holding the staff straight at an angle behind her.

"Swing it, Suki," Damon tells her and she promptly listens as he calls out directions for her to swing it. It helps us both, her for direction and me for blocking. I'm able to block it a few times with my forearms and calves, but it's not long before we're both backing away from each other to get a new angle on the other. "How did Angel's go?"

His question makes me look at him which Suki takes as me not paying attention, but as soon as she tries to jab me with the staff, I block her before grabbing it and pushing it so she takes several steps away from me.

"She told us the same thing she told you basically," Suki says, nodding a praise at me for the countermove.

"She was nervous. Jittery. And she wouldn't-" I start, but I'm interrupted as Damon calls out another direction, giving Suki a quick advantage to strike me on the back of my knee, making me lose my footing. I chuckle, regrounding myself before giving Damon my attention again. "She wouldn't stop looking at Joker. Like she was waiting for him to intervene or something."

"Do you think maybe it was him?" Damon asks. The question leaves me utterly dumbfounded, giving Suki the perfect chance to strike me in my abdomen. I double over before she uses the electrocuted end of the stand to send me to the floor.

We're both breathing heavy, me on my hands and knees her using the now turned off staff as a cane to lean on.

"I-It couldn't be him. He only just found out about the unit the other morning. Remember?" I pant, sitting down on the floor and looking up at him.

"You know, t-that could have just been an act. He's been kinda M.I.A. He won't answer his phone, we haven't really seen him in a few days," Suki chimes between her panting, nodding to herself. "Angel could have found out, he could be threatening her to keep it to herself. That would explain that private talk they had."

"They had a private talk?" Damon asks, joining us on the mat, giving us both Gatorade. Suki nods, but I shake my head, dismissing he whole notion.

"No. Nope. He wouldn't have stolen my money then to just lure me back to Gotham," I shake my head before taking a sip from the bottle. "He knows better. He knows exactly how much money is on his head and if anyone could kill him, it would be me."

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