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~ I'm Your God ~
~ day 17 ~

"This is good shit," I say in a single exhale, holding the blunt away from my face to examine it. I hold it out to Frost, trying to get him to take a hit, but he kept refusing. "Jonny, just a small hit."

"Boss, it's the same weed you smoked yesterday and God knows how long before that," Frost sighs, watching me roll my eyes before I take another hit. "There is nothing special about it."

"There is something special about it today. The air seems cleaner. The money looks greener," I state, turning to look at him. He just looks at me, shaking his head. "What's your problem?"

"Suki told me what happened the other night," Frost starts. I grin, turning my back to him again to pour myself a glass of whiskey. "J, with everything going on, are you sure it's a good idea to-"

"You said this when I hired her as my private dancer," I remind him, pouring whiskey into a tumbler. "Why don't you have any faith in her?"

He stands, coming to stand next to me and lowering his tone so Cheyenne wouldn't hear from across the room. "It's not about having "no faith". J, we stole her money and she's already tried to kill you once."

"She did not try to kill me," I chuckle, setting the bottle down and setting the cap on top. "She just kidnapped me. And, my stay was quite pleasant-"

"She going to try to kill you now, Boss," Frost hisses, glancing at Cheyenne, Suki, Dahlia, and Graham, who were now all watching us. "She's got a fucking army now. We need to tell her about the money before she finds out another way."

"How do you suppose I do that?" I ask, finally getting aggravated enough and snapping at him. "I just got her back. Like really back. I tell her about that money, that I had something to do with it, and I've been hiding it from her, she's gone, Frost. For good."

I turn, leaning against the table behind me, watching as Cheyenne watches me. She wore a cropped black turtle neck, black pinstripe dress pants, black heels and a leather jacket.

"Look at her," I mutter, nodding towards her. She looked so good, the pinstripes accentuating the curves of her hips and her hair was straight, and the white stripe, which was now one of my favorite things about her, was fanned out, making a salt and pepper effect on her hair. And, no one knew it, but she had on my silver cuban link. "I can't let that go again."

Frost watches me, taking a deep breath and standing next to me. I clench my jaw, watching as she takes the chain between her fingers, fiddling with each link. "How about we don't tell her you had anything to do with it?"

• C H E Y E N N E •
~ 10 minutes earlier ~

"Are you gonna tell me what that was the other night?" Suki asks, staring at me in the mirror. "Or are you gonna keep pretending that I didn't walk in on you two fucking?"

"I knew it! I knew you two smelled different!" Dahlia gasps, stopping her movement of styling my hair to look at me in the mirror. She seems delighted for a moment until she glances at Joker over her shoulder and her face scrunches in disgust. "Ew."

"We were not fucking and can you keep your voice down?" I whisper, nodding towards Graham who was being my desk, looking at books on the bookshelf. He and Dahlia insisted on coming when I told them someone had gotten into the office at the Underground.

"You might as well had been," Suki answers, matching the volume of her voice with mine.

"Suki, you gotta drop it," I sigh, watching Dahlia fan the white stripe in my hair so that it looked more like highlights. "It was nothing. We just got...caught up..."

Frown | A Joker Leto Fanfiction | SEQUEL TO 'SMILE' | {BWWM}Where stories live. Discover now