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~ Rejection ~
~ day 35 ~

"You had to have done something wrong," Ashton huffs as he and Harley fiddle with the antennas on the listening device that's connected to the bug I planted. I sigh, rolling my eyes.

"She's been busy," I sigh, checking my phone for the 40th time in the past hour. "I'm seeing her tonight, just...have you gotten anything?

Harley hums her yes, looking away from the receiver for a moment to look at me. "We're still tryna recover a little bit more audio, but it's all being uploaded onto this laptop."

I glance down at the photo I had of her as my lock screen, something Ivy told me would make her feel more secure in me. In us. We had taken an early morning ride down the Manhattan Beach Pier, both of us sneaking out of our respective homes to see each other without anyone knowing we were gone.

I can feel my lip quirk up, a smirk wanting to form on my lips as I examine her face. Her tongue sticking out, a peace sign thrown up. If I pressed down on the image, the picture would be thrown into live action, having captured the moment the glow of the sunrise lit up her face perfectly.

 If I pressed down on the image, the picture would be thrown into live action, having captured the moment the glow of the sunrise lit up her face perfectly

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"What're you smiling at?" Ash asks from behind me. Inhaling sharply, I lock my phone and slip it into my pocket.

"Nothing," I answer simply, hoping he hadn't noticed that I'd been staring at the picture of Mercy.

"Hm," he shrugs, opening the fridge and pulling out a bottle of water. "How much longer til we're outta here?"

"Soon, man. Hopefully," I sigh before he walks away from me. I'd like to think that once Harley and Ivy got all the information they needed from the bug I'd planted, it'd have some sort of domino effect, but I find myself wanting to prolong things just a bit. Wanting to deviate from the plan completely because besides the fact that I'm probably wanted just a State away, I feel like I have a chance at life and once we get that tape to Cheyenne, it's all over.

A deep sense of regret has been bubbling just under the surface for quite some time now since I shared that intimate night with Mercy. Since she shared an intimate night with me. I was beginning to see her as more than a pawn and when I find myself with her, I find myself forgetting why I'm here. Forgetting that I don't truly belong here. Through my blind rage of finally being released from prison and wanting nothing but revenge, I forgot that I'm still young enough. I still have a chance at life. And even though Mercy could just be one chapter in the rest of my long life, the relationship I've staged with her is proof in itself that I have potential beyond following in Cheyenne's shadow.

I still have the chance to walk away from this and be a normal person. With Mercy.

I glance over, watching as Harley stews over a recorder and a live audio receiver. Ivy was standing over her, fingers carding through her hair as she watched Harley intently and Ashton was sitting across from them, attempting to help Harley. I lean against the counter, arms crossed as I watch quietly. Deep down, the voice inside is telling me to join them. They're doing your work.

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