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~ Taste ~
~ day 31 ~
• C H E Y E N N E •
(what's poppin'! this chapter contains smut & and it's a specific kind; don't say i didn't warn u 🖤)

"Cheyenne," Joker sighs, watching as Suki and I train in our robes. She trained barefoot, a blindfold over her eyes. "You know I love seeing you like this - sweaty, angry, fueled only by pure rage - but, it's freezing out here and I think you need a break."

"I don't need a break and Suki needs to train her hearing," I reply, glancing at him as I circle Suki, who's head turned in my direction. He was right, though. I was hot and sweaty and uncomfortable and that combined with the brisk October air made it feel like I was covered head to toe in Icy Hot, but I was restless. "What I need is to know if anyone has eyes on Angel?"

There was no answer, only an aggravated sigh before I swing my foot, meeting Suki's arm guard with a soft thud as she blocks me. I could see Suki panting, her chest rising and falling rapidly, even through the black robes and the the face shield that covered her shoulders and chest. Regardless of how winded she was, I was proud. She was visibly much better already than she was 3 weeks ago. I take a deep breath, taking a couple of steps away from her.

"Listen. I'm just as angry as you are, but until Damon gets back, until we have all the facts, we don't have any news," he says, watching as Suki takes a few steps away from me in order to regain composure. "And there's no point in overworking yourself right now."

I take another breath, feeling the sand between my toes before turning my head to look at him over my shoulder. "I have to stay sharp. Have you not noticed how quiet it's been since James showed his face?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Suki's feet sweep across the sand and her fists raising. Thinking quickly, I raise my own fists and match her strikes blow for blow. I grab her arm and pull her behind me, disorienting her for a moment before kicking her feet out from under her. This leaves her airborne for a moment before I place my hand on her chest and push her into the ground. She collapses with a grunt before rolling over and groaning. "That fucking hurt."

I collapse next to her and try to catch my breath, watching Joker shake his head in disapproval. I could feel my arms burning, my skin damp with sweat, and I was suddenly hyperaware of the heat of my cloak. I huff, wiping my hands of sand before I unzip my cloak and pull my hood off.

"J, I think she's got a point," Suki sighs from beside me as she reaches up and takes off the blindfold. Joker just grunts in a dismissive way. "Seriously. I mean, think about it. Harley and James have been quiet for two whole weeks. The quietest they've been...ever. The whole time Cheyenne's been back there's been some type of action. I mean Ashton just shows up out of the blue, then literally the next night, we find out Cheyenne's money is missing-"

"-the note from Harley and the pictures show up inside my office, and then suddenly, Ashton somehow ends up with a tiny portion of my money, and James just so happens to decide to show his face and then Angel goes missing," I nod, agreeing with Suki. "For them to suddenly be so silent is a bad sign, Joker and I swear if I find out they're working together, I'm gonna-"

"Okay, okay," Joker says, motioning for me to calm down. "You just caught your breath. Save some of that energy for when we find Angel."

I glare at him as Suki sits up and unzips her cloak and sheds it and her armor completely, leaving her in a sports bra and leggings. I felt bad, seeing that she was drenched in sweat. "It feels like these cloaks are a thousand pounds."

"I know," I mutter, pulling the cloak off of my shoulders. "We're done for now."

"Are you sure?" Suki asks, looking at me. "I can go longer, Chey, I just needed to take the cloak off. Don't let J get in your head."

Frown | A Joker Leto Fanfiction | SEQUEL TO 'SMILE' | {BWWM}Where stories live. Discover now