Chapter 1 Clubbing

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Chapter 1 Clubbing

Natasha's POV:

Oh god! I thought. I was currently lying on my bed cursing myself for agreeing to do this. By this I mean going out on a Friday night, clubbing. My best friend Harry had persuaded me this morning, and I'm not a clubbing type of girl. I like to lie in my bed, read a good book, be on my computer or just watching TV, but now I have to get dressed and go out. OUT! When I could have been at home. Oh shit, it is only an hour until Harry is picking me up. I have to get dressed, and do my hair, and my makeup. Earlier I picked out a dress to wear; it was my favorite black dress, with quite an open back. I also had my black pumps, and my silver clutch. I curled my hair a little, which took forever, because I have so thick hair. I put on my makeup, and a red shining lipstick. I am ready, I think.


Harry and I arrived at the club at 10 o'clock. When we stepped in to the building, all I could think of was how much I wanted to leave. Harry dragged me over to the bar, and we both got ourselves a fancy cocktail.

"This is actually good" I said to Harry. He looked down at me with a smile and nodded. Maybe tonight turns out better then expected. 

"How about we go dancing, Nash?" He asked. I took his hand and dragged him over to the dance floor. Hopefully he took it as a yes. I didn't stop until we were in the middle of the floor. I turned around towards Harry, and started dancing rather inappropriate, for anywhere except a club.


Right now we were dancing to All about that bass by Meghan Trainor, having the time of our lives. When the song stopped Harry dragged me over to a quieter corner.

"Remember those guys I told you about?" He asked me, looking at me with a dimpled smile. Wait, what guys? I can't remember any guys. What is he talking about? Why did we have to go out of the dance floor to talk about something I don't remember?

"Who?" I said, rather confused.

"God Nash, do you never listen to me when I talk? I mean the guys I met when I was at the mall the other day. You know, I met one of my childhood friends, Louis, and some of his friends again..." I still had no idea of what he was talking about, maybe I am a bad friend.

"Anyway, that is sort of why we are here." I looked up at him in shock, what? He was smiling like a crazy person now. How can you smile that bright? Harry waved at someone behind my head.

"Well, I promised I would meet them here. And I was too afraid to go alone, because they are all really cool and popular, and have amazing careers and so. So I brought you. You know, since you are the most successful person I know." He said, now kind of a little embarrassed.

"So you brought me, too show me off then?" I said, my voice full of sarcasm, but my face fully serious.

"What? No, you are my best friend. No I didn't mean it like that..." He was starting to ramble so I just cut him off.

"Harry, chill. I know you didn't. Although I would appreciate a heads up next time." I nudged his arm, and smiled up at him.

Harry and I walked over to his new friends, who had occupied a sofa-group in the left corner of the club.

"Hi guys" Harry said with a rather awkward wave at the end. It was a rather large group. It was three guys and two girls. One guy had dark raven hair, and tons of tattoos. The girl next to him had dyed platinum blond hair, and a nose piercing. Another guy had dark brown hair, and some tattoos and some piercings. The girl on his lap had brown rather long hair and looked a bit angry, or maybe sad. The last guy though, had dyed blond hair and a lot of piercings. Oh god! I most look like a creep starring at all of them, but this is not what I expected from Harry's childhood friends.

"Hi, Harry right?" The brown haired guy said.

"Yeah, um, where is Louis?" Harry looked at all of the people there. Um, so none of this people is Louis?

"Oh, he is always a little late, he will be here soon though" The same guy answered, though he looked as if he was lying.

"Oh, okay. Well I am Harry, as some of you know." He came with a nervous laugh.

"And this is my best friend Nash." He gestured towards me.

"Actually its Natasha, I only let Harry call me Nash" I said looking them. They all starred back at me, as if I was some kind of freak. After at least three minutes of starring, the blond haired girl made a fake chough.

"Oh, um, I am Liam." The brown haired said. "This is my girlfriend Shopia" he gestured to the girl on his lap. "Blondie over here is Perrie, and the guy next to her is Zayn" That was the black haired guy. "Oh, and this is Niall." He said pointing at the last guy.

Harry went over and sat down next to the blonde haired guy, Niall was it? So I sat dawn next to him. It might have been a little close, but these guys were a little scary looking. The gang of boys and girls sitting around me were ... different. They were, what is the right word, punk, all of them. So here I am, sitting with my best friend Harry, and we are the only "normal" looking people. Not that I am judgmental or anything, but it just feels weird, I don't belong here.


It has been a whole hour, and I am still sitting at the end of the sofa next to Harry. I have tried to get up a couple of times, excusing with needing another drink, but every time I try, someone else says they will go for me. I really hope this Louis guy comes soon, because I want to go home. The little buzz I had before was completely gone, and I just felt like an outsider.

"Louis" Harry breathed out next to me. Oh god, I am nervous. Why am I nervous? I don't even know him. I guess I have big expectation of him, at least to lighten the mood. I looked up from the table and looked around. But I had no idea how he looked like.

"Harry, nice seeing you." A guy fully covered in tattoos and piercings said. He had brown hair, he was not the tales of guys, probably shorter then Harry. He was really fit, I bet he has a nice bum. Oh god, stop looking Natasha! He's going to see you. Harry stood up, bumping me in the progress, and hugged the guy, he hugged the scariest guy I have ever seen in my life. Is he looking at me? I feel someone starring. I should probably introduce myself, before Harry does. Don't want the punk calling me Nash.

"Hello, I'm Natasha, I am Harry's best friend." I said holding my hand out for him to shake. He just looked at med though. Then he looked down to my hand and up to my face again. Then he fucking smirked at me, and then continued to talk to Harry and the others, sitting down in the seat I just sat in. I can't believe him!

"Excuse me, but I was actually sitting there. You can see my clutch and drinks on the table." I looked at Louis with an aggravated look. I don't tolerate people stepping over me like that. He turned his head towards me and sighted, but didn't say anything. I can't believe him.

"You not going to say something or at least move" I looked at him expecting.

"No" he said, turning around and starting up a conversation with Harry again. Now I am angry, I cannot believe this!

"You listen to me shithead! I did not want to be here in the first place, but I came for Harry's sake. Now you need to move your bum out of my seat, introduce yourself in a polite way, and then fucking apologise." I half yelled half said. They all looked at me like I was looney, and a little like they were afraid of something. That is when Louis stood up. He looked me straight in to my eyes. Now I know why they were afraid. I looked straight in to his eyes, managing to keep my anger up. We stood there for at least two minutes, just starring. Then I saw it, his eyes went from dark blue and angry, to a beautiful sea blue filled with pride?

"Hi, I'm Louis, and I am sorry for making you uncomfortable." He said with a new shine in his eyes, holding out his hand. I took his hand and smiled.

"Apology accepted."


Natasha's outfit on the top

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