Chapter 5 - Fluffy-duffy-information-stuffy

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Chapter 5 Fluffy-duffy-information-stuffy

Natasha's POV:

It is two days since Kats outburst. I called Louis the same evening, and we talked for hours. We arranged to meet up at a sushi restaurant on the following Wednesday, which is today. It was Louis idea, which is why he is going to pick me up in two hours. I have therefor stressed around the flat for the last couple of hours. It is not a date, but I would not have minded that either. I have spent the last day thinking about the little talk I had with Harry about my feelings for Louis, and I came to the conclusion that I do have romantic feelings for him. I also have no idea how he feels, and I am a little scared of actually having a relationship with him. Even though I know I am safe around him, he is a dangerous person for others. All the stories I have heard might not be true, but rumours don't come from nothing.

So, back to the non-date tonight. I had Harry over this afternoon, helping me pick out my clothes for tonight. There is nothing wrong with looking nice. I put on a pair of dark brown tights, a pair of bottle green shorts, a knitted white sweater, a big fluffy scarf (it is after all the end of October) and a pair of nude pumps. When I was dressed to perfection, haha, I went down to the living room to watch some TV waiting for Louis.

When it was only five minutes until Louis was going to arrive I stepped in to the hallway getting ready, and I then took the elevator down to the lobby, greeting the security man before stepping outside. Louis pulled up in front of the building in his black car, no surprise on the colour, the second I stepped out of the building. I opened up the car door greeting him.

"Hey Lou!" I said smiling. He was staring at me fondly until he remembered that he should say something back.

"Oh, um, hey to you to." He said, I am pretty sure he mentally face palmed himself after that one, cutie.


We were now sitting in the poshest sushi restaurant I have ever seen, and we had made our order.

"So I know this probably sounds silly, but I was wandering if we could play 20 questions, but without the 20 limit." Louis looked up smiling his beautiful smile towards me.

"Yeah, so we could get to know each other better. I'd love to!" I answered smiling at him.

"Really? You want to. That is great, I was afraid you would run out of here." Louis was looking at me the whole time he was talking.

"How many times do I have to tell you I am not leaving?" I said stretching across the table putting my hand on top of his, looking him strait in to the eyes with a determent look.

"Sorry. You can start." Louis looked at me smiling. God how I love his smile, wait did I just say love?

"Okay, first question, what is your favourite colour? And black doesn't count!" I said starting off with something easy.

"Um, probably blue or maybe red. So you name is not very English, where are you from?"

"My name is Russian, but I am full on British, I have lived my whole life in London. What kind of education do you have, since it takes a little to co-own a company?"

"I have some business classes from uni, sales, and marketing. How do you have a Russian name then? You don't give much..." Louis smiled at me, looking eager to know.

"You want to know the whole story then? Well both my parents was Russian, but they both moved to America when they were in their twenty's. They met on vacation to London. They moved to London and then they married and got me. When I was fifteen they were killed in a robbery in our house in New York. When did you get your first tattoo?" I said, I looked over at Louis and he seemed shocked over the way I said the information.

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