Chapter 13 Recovery

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Chapter 13 Recovery

Natasha’s POV:

“Love you have to wake up” Someone said putting my hair behind my ear. I don’t want to wake up. I did however, and then I remembered everything that happed last night. That feeling of emptiness came back.

“Natasha, sweetheart?” The voice said again. I felt someone’s hands around me pulling me close, it just felt safer. Then I remembered who gives me that feeling.

“Lou?” I asked, carefully opening my eyes, the room was very light.

“That is my name, and it’s noon, perhaps you should get up, start the day?” He said in a sweet voice. I was lying cuddled up to him, so I only saw his face from the side. I don’t want to start the day; I want to stay in Louis arms forever. I cuddled up to him, hiding my face in his neck. He pulled me closer, making patterns on the arm I had around him. Safe. That was all I wanted, the safety the love, and lying in my bed, in his arms forever would let me have that.

“Love how about getting out of that costume? Put on something comfortable, and warm?” When I think about it, this corset is killing me, but I am not moving. I just moved closer to him, grunting slightly. We were laying silently, Louis still making patterns on my arm.

“Harry and I are not going anywhere, but we cant stay in bed the whole day. I can promise though that we can stay on the couch the rest of the day. I bet you are dying in that corset.” He said laughing quietly. He knows me to well.

“Harry’s here as well?” I asked.

“Of course I am, sweetheart!” I heard from the other side of my room, he is probably in the doorway. I sat up leaning on the headboard.

“It is killing me” I said looking at Louis. He had sat up as well. Harry stepped out of the bathroom. He walked over to me, and sat down on the bedside.

“May I?” He asked, holding up a wet cloth. I nodded, not really knowing what the point was. He must have noticed my slightly confused look.

“You fell asleep with makeup on.” He said, cleaning my face. I can’t believe Louis saw me with makeup all over my face.

“Don’t worry love, I didn’t even notice.” Louis said holding an arm around my shoulders. I leaned in to his touch. I just love the feeling. He makes me feel better; the empty feeling disappears when he touches me.

“Let’s get dressed into something better.” Louis said, getting up from the bed. I already felt worse, and he is a couple of feet from me. Harry and I got up from the bed, and I quickly got over to Louis’ side, and he put a hand around me. Harry walked over to my closet and opened the double doors. I heard Louis gasp next to me, and Harry chuckled. I walked in first leading both boys over to where I had a stock of clothes for Harry mostly. I found some clothes for Harry first and he went out of the closet.

“Do you want to change too?” I asked Louis.

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