Chapter 14 Second date

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Chapter 14 Second date

Natasha's POV:

Now I am aging standing in the lobby waiting for Louis to pick me up. He told me that we are going for fine dining so I am wearing one of my black dresses, black high heeled shoes and my red clutch. I am so excited to find out where we are going. Oh there he is. I walked out of the building, at the same time as Louis walked out of his car. He was wearing a black suit but instead of a shirt he had a black t-shirt under, hot as always.

"Hey love" He said when I approached him.

"Hello" I said, and he kissed me. What a great way to start a date. Louis opened he passenger door for me.

"Thank you" I said smiling at him. He smiled back, closing the door and walking over to the driver's side. This is starting out perfect. I just sat there smiling like an idiot, and when I looked over at Louis he was doing the same.

"You look beautiful today Natasha" Louis said, looking over at me briefly.

"Aww, thank you. You look quite dashing yourself." I said. I looked over at him and his smile got even bigger. We kept on talking the next fifteen minutes before Louis stopped the car. He got out and opened the door for me.

"Thank you!" I said, he closed the door behind me and put an arm around my waist. I looked around and I saw that we were standing in front of Heston Blumenthal's famous restaurant "Dinner".

"You didn't!?" I said looking at Louis.

"Oh but I did" He said very pleased with himself. I gave him a thigh hug, and kissed him passionately. We let go of each other and walked towards the restaurant. We were placed at a table with a window view. Louis had already ordered the food, so I am so curious of what he ordered. The pretty waitress came over to us and put down to plates.  

"Here you have the Lobster & Cucumber Soup, with a lobster salad, smoked onion, rock samphire & sorrel, enjoy!" She said and hurried of to someone else.

"This looks delicious" I said, smiling over at Louis.

"Well I hope it tastes just as good." He said, picking up his knife and fork. I took a bite of the food, and it was fantastic. We ate in silence just enjoying the food.

"That was ..." I started.

"Yeah..." Louis continued. This date is fantastic, and the guy is even greater. There is one thing though.

"Louis? Can I ask you something and you promise to tell the truth?" I asked.

"Of course love." He said, holding my hand that was lying across the table.

"A couple of weeks ago, you said that you are always warm, so you preferred short sleeved, so my question is; why have I almost never seen you in anything other than long sleeves?" I asked.

"Because I am stupid." Louis said looking down at the table.

"What do you mean?" I held on to his hand a little tighter.

"I don't really think about it, but it has sort of become a habit. I just... The truth is I hate wearing long sleeves, I feel trapped, but I see how people look at me, and I don't care about that, but I don't want them to look at you that way. I don't want them to judge you, just because the guy you date has tattoos." He said. I can't believe he still thinks like that, my sweet loving Louis.

"That is so sweet Lou, but I like your tattoos, and I never get to see them... I have already told you, I don't care about anything more than you. If people don't want to give me a chance because of you, then they can go to hell." I said smiling actually. It always makes me feel better when I get to tell him how much he means to me.


"But nothing, your my Loubear, remember?" I said, slightly laughing.

"I guess you're right. So you would mind if I take of the jacket then?" He asked.

"Not at all, as long as you don't boil away, I'm happy." I said. Louis leaned over the table and gave me a short, but sweet kiss.  

"Did the starters taste well?" The waitress asked us. We both nodded and told her how amazing it was. Two other waiters came over and started cleaning away the plates. When they left another waiter came over and put down two new plates.

"For your main course you have spiced pigeon, with ale and artichokes, enjoy." She said smiling. Louis and I immediately started eating and wow, it was even better than the starters. We talked and laughed the whole meal. For dessert we got brown bread ice cream with salted butter caramel, pear and malted yeast syrup, and it was the perfect end to a perfect meal.

"This has been amazing Lou!" I said, looking at him. He smiled at me and right before he was going to say something the waitress came back with the check. Louis paid the bill, much to my protest, and we walked out of the restaurant. We were on our way over to the car when I looked down the shopping street next to us.

"Is that Christmas light?" I asked, looking at the lighted snowflakes.

"I think so; it's only two weeks until December..." Louis said looking at me.

"Well, it's kind of nice, so it's not so dark in the evening and a little romantic as well." I said smiling up at Louis.

"Very romantic" Louis said, kissing me. I love when he kisses me like that; it is just a perfect mix of passion, lust and love. We pulled apart, and Louis looked deeply in to my eyes.

"Natasha, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked confident. I broke in to a smile, and jumped in to his arms.

"Yes... Yes... Yes..." I said while kissing him.


Natasha's and Louis outfit on the top

(I made the punk edit my self) 

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