Chapter 2 Information

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Chapter 2 Information

Natasha's POV:

Wow, Louis is rather weird. One minute he is ignoring me, the next he is one of the nicest guys I have ever met. Me, Louis and Harry have been sitting and talking for maybe an hour now. Well mostly laughing actually. Louis is a really funny guy, and we have all been drinking quite a lot. I think Harry is the drunkest though.

"Come on let's dance!" Harry yelled to me and Louis. I got up and held out a hand for Harry. Oh boy, his face lit up. Harry took my hand and managed to pull himself up. I then turned towards Louis.

"Want to come?" I asked, smiling down at him. He was quiet for some time, and I started to think maybe I did something stupid again. I looked over to the rest of the group, but they all just stared at me. What is it with these people and starring? Then Louis held out both his hand, smiling.

"If you pull me up yeah" he said with a big grind. I let go of Harry and turned so I was facing Louis completely. I took his hands and tried to pull him up, but he just sat there looking at me with an innocence smirk. I looked at him with my, are you serious look. Yet he just sat there. So I figured two can play this game and let go of his hand.

"Have fun without us then" I said to him, while turning around. I gave him a little wave and walked over to Harry, who had moved out on the floor. While I was walking I made sure to sway my hips a little extra. The second me and Harry made it up to the dance floor, someone put a hand on my back.

"You left me!" Louis whined. I laughed at him, and then turned a little so I easier could see him.

"I though you didn't want do come" I said smirking at him. He smiled, and we made our way in to the crowd. Louis and I were dancing, completely oblivious to the rest of the world, just having the time of our lives. I noticed Louis almost grabbing my waist a couple of times, but changed his mind. At first I was a little sad about it, because I thought he didn't want to, well touch me, but I think he didn't want to do something I wasn't comfortable with. And if that was the reason, then it was really cute.


Well it is 3 o'clock and Louis and I am trying to drag Harry in to a cab. When he suddenly decided it was okay to go in to the cab, me and Louis was exhausted.

"Thank you for helping me Lou" He said I could call him that.

"Any time, hey, can I have your number? I really liked hanging out with you tonight. I normally don't go out, if not to get piss drunk." He said with a smile. I gave him my phone, and he gave his to me. I put in my name and number, when I saw a flash light up the dark night.

"What? You need a photo of me as well." Louis said in a matter of fact way. He gave me my phone, and I returned his.

"Smile" Louis said, taking a photo of me.

"It was really nice to meet you, Louis. I don't think I have had this much fun in a while." I looked up at him, a little embarrassed. He smiled, and then gave me a tight hug. Oh god, he smelled good, even after dancing the whole night. He pulled back, still smiling.

"I will call you tomorrow!" He said with a proud face. I jumped in to the cab and told the driver my address.


The next morning I woke up with someone lying all over me, Harry. I pushed him of, making him growl in disappointment.  I am rather pleased with myself managing to get Harry in to the lift to my flat on the top floor, but when I got him in to the flat, I was so tired I didn't even change clothes. I got up from bed, and made my way over to my walk-in-closet, I picked out my favourite black skinny jeans, an oversized red flannel shirt, and a black beanie. I went in to the on suit bathroom and took a shower.

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