Chapter 10 Coming home

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Chapter 10 Coming home

Natasha's POV:

Thank god it's Friday! I don't mean because I get to party, but I am on the plane home to England. This week was hectic, in Beijing it was okay, but I had to stay an extra day in Tokyo cleaning up the mess they had made. And when I came to Sydney it was okay with the offices, until I started looking through some files and I found out that we made more money then what it said in the official records, and I found out it was the boss who stole millions of pounds every month, so I had to fire him and then find a new leader. I am just glad I am home! Damn it I forgot to tell Harry when my flight lands so he could pick me up. The good thing this week though has been Louis. We skyped every day! We just talked and talked and talked. I have learned so much about him! I found out why he never has been put in jail, it is because of Liam, he makes the evidence "disappear". He told me he never killed someone... on purpose, that scared the shit out of me, but I still can't stop liking him! It is scarry, but I know he wants to change. I was now finally picking up my luggage and walking towards the front doors.

"Natasha!" Someone yelled, I turned around and my face broke in to a huge smile. No way! Louis is here!

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, he held out his arms so I jumped into them. Finally getting a Louis hug again.

"I'm picking you up of course!" He said still hugging me. Louis put me down and we just stood there starring into each other's eyes, god he has beautiful eyes. Louis then held my face between both his hand pulling me closer, kissing me. This kiss however wasn't like the last one we have shared, no; this was much more passionate, much needier. It was breath taking, literally.

"That was..." Louis started saying

"Yeah" I answered, smiling like an idiot. Louis then took my luggage in one hand and my hand in the other, and we walked out of the airport together.


When we reached my flat Louis insisted on carrying my bag once again, and to follow me up to the door.

"Miss Udinov?" The security guard said.

"Yes" I answered

"There was a girl here on Monday who wanted to deliver you this" He said holding out an envelope with Halloween decorating.

"Thank you" I said taking the envelope and walking over to the elevator.

When we got in to my flat Louis sat down my bag, and I walked over to the couch opening the envelope. It was an invitation who said.

Dear Natasha

I would like to invite you to my Halloween party Saturday 31. October 8 o'clock, my house.

It will be the usual, with drinks, food and fun!

Love  Rachel

BTW: You can bring some of your friends as well.

"What is it?" Louis asked, sitting down on the couch.

"Um, it's an invitation to a Halloween party tomorrow. I'm not sure if I'm going though, I'll have to ask Harry if he is going." I said, excusing me so I could call Harry. I gave Louis the remote control for the TV and then walked in to the kitchen to call him. I am getting so comfurtable with Louis around.

"Hello" Harry said

"Hey, are you going to the party tomorrow, the one Rachel is holding?" I asked him

"I'm not invited" He said with a low voice

"What, you guys were so close!" I yelled, oh maybe that the friend thing in the invitation means.

"I know" He said, poor Harry

"Well, my invitation says to bring some of my friends so, you want to go, 8 o'clock?" I asked him.

"Yeah, we always go, it'll be fun." Harry said clearly over not being invited.

"You think so?" I asked, we haven't been socializing so much lately.

"Yeah definitely! Wait are you back in England then?" He asked.

"Yep, Louis picked me up" I said smiling, thinking back to the kiss.

"Olala, loverboy picked you up! But seriously you should invite Louis to come as well." He said.

"I will ask him, so, I will meet you at Rachel's then?"

"Yep, see you tomorrow, oh, and say hello to loverboy from me" He said hanging up the phone. I put my phone on the table and walked back in to the living room. Louis was sitting there watching some football stuff. I might have stopped and just watched him for a little while.

"Hey" I said sitting down next to him. He instantly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer, making me smile.

"Hey" He said back

"So, Harry and I are going to a Halloween party tomorrow, you want to come?" I asked, smiling up at him.

"A Halloween party, with your posh friends? Are you sure I am a part of that invitation?" He asked looking a little distressed.

"The invite said some friends, and you are a very good friend Louis" I said playing with one of his hands.

"I don't know I don't want to ruin anything" He said looking down on the floor.

"Most people will look either terrifying or like sluts so there is nothing to worry about. I will be there with you the whole time, and you can always dress up as a vampire and wear long sleeves and a turtleneck and not say anything." I said trying to comfort him.

"You will be with me the whole time?" He asked

"I you want that, then sure, I can even give you a lift" I said trying to lighten the mood.

"Okay, if you are sure it is okay! It would be fun going to a Halloween party! But you are driving the Porsche!" He said smiling.


Louis stayed a while; we just hung out, watching TV, watching each other, ordering pizza, and eating the pizza, sharing a few kisses.

"So, what are you going to wear tomorrow?" Louis asked

"Oh, probably something even sluttier then last year" I said casually

"Sluttier?" He asked raising his right eyebrow.

"Oh, come on, have you never been to a Halloween party?" I asked sarcastically.

"No" He said silent. What? Omg! I can't believe I just said that.

"No, Louis I'm, I'm sorry. I didn't think before I spoke."

"It's no big deal, I just have always been an outsider, and they don't get invited to parties" He said shrugging.

"Well, now you are a part of my gang, and we are going to have some fun tomorrow night. I will show you some photos from last year, then you will see what I mean with slutty" I said, standing up and dragging Louis with me in to my office. I turned on the computer and showed him some photos, of course I wasn't in any of them, I can't wait until tomorrow he will be so overwhelmed with sexiness, I hope.


When the clock got near 10 in the evening, I sent Louis home.

"I will pick you up at 19.45 tomorrow" I said to him.

"Sounds good!" He said leaning over giving me a sweet kiss.

"Bye love." He said

"Bye Louis" I said. I walked up to my bedroom and in to the closet finding the outfit I am going to wear tomorrow. I can't wait! I went to bed early and as I was lying there I thought about what Louis and I really are.


Cute couple hugging on the top

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