02 | angel

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Nothing hurts us like the things
we don't say

two | angel

It's a new year. It's the first day back at school after summer break and I'm fucking dreading it.

I don't want to be at home and I most fucking definitely don't want to be at school around fake people who rather hate me or feel sympathetic for me.

I want to be something in this cruel world. I want to be an artist or a fucking engineer, I don't know. I have the intellectual abilities of a blowfly, regardless I'm not going to be anything but depressed because of school. It's a pile of shit.

The only damn thing I'm looking forwards to seeing is Halo.

It's been three whole months since I saw her last. I'm pretty sure she's got a boyfriend now too, so that's even better.

"Holt?" I heard Ace's deep voice from the passenger seat next to me, "Are you gonna drive or not?"

I rolled my eyes, scoffing before starting the car and beginning my short drive to school.

I fucking hate leaving the house, relatable, I know. But seriously. Everything around me reminds me of Everest.

Every day I pull out of my driveway I see the exact spot he died.

I see the sidewalk where I once held his girlfriend in the mere moments he breathed for the last time.

There are too many memories of him here, it makes me wish I was dead too.

I'm fucked up because of it. I can't be fixed. I'm like a broken glass, you could glue all the pieces back together if you really wanted too, but there's too much debris you just opt for throwing it away.

The drive was short, consisting of nothing other than Ace lighting up a cigarette and stinking out my entire car.

I pulled into a free parking space. Ace got out of the car before me, but I couldn't move.

I watched as all the Jocks walked up the stairs, laughing at something that probably isn't even funny.

I used to be friends with most of them, but I'm pretty sure they all hate me now, because I remind them of my brother. Or they saw me fighting with him that night and use it against me.

If they knew what he was doing behind those closed doors, they'd understand but I can't.

Its like when you're a child and your friend tells you a secret and you swear to keep it, claiming your lips are locked and you "threw away the key" in this case, it's true. Metaphorical or not, that secret is buried, and I can't utter a word about it.

Not even Ace knows, and he knows almost every single thought that goes through my head.

Finally, I gathered enough strength to drag myself out of my car, slamming the door shut behind me then locking it.

I walked through the parking lot, my eyes trained on the double doors which lead into the school when suddenly I heard a loud honk followed by the sound of tires screeching against the asphalt.

"Watch where you're going, dickhead!"

I turned my head to the side to see his car. Zayden brooks.

He's the biggest dick in the school, I think realistically ninety percent of people hate him, but they pretend to like him solely because he's popular.

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