15 | babysitting

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❝I find it breathtakingly calm, suspended in the skylines of your eyes.❞

fifteen | babysitting

IT'S OFFICIALLY SATURDAY, the day that I am babysitting Jax and Nova with Holt and I am suddenly regretting taking up the offer in the first place.

After the incident on Monday, I'm nervous to see Holt considering he's seen me have a complete anxiety attack in front of him, it's not the first time he's had to be there for me. I feel like an idiot, I can't help but fear he's making fun of me in his head, he probably thinks I am pathetic.

Oh, wait. He said I was pathetic.

He took it back shortly after, claiming he didn't mean it. But, I can't help but feel as though he was completely lying straight to my face.

Ace probably thinks I am crazy too, after our run in at the tree. God, I'm a mess. I haven't stopped thinking about it the entire week and I have avoided him at all costs.

If he's in my class, I make sure to sit on the other side of the room. If he comes down the hall, I turn the other way and if he stares at me then I freak out and turn the other way.

But I can't avoid today, he's going to show up any minute to pick me up to look after two children for three hours soon and I am dreading it.

I couldn't help but hope something comes up and he won't be able to make it, but then part of me wants to see him.

Like I said, I'm a mess.

This week has been all but great and all I wish for is for it to be over. After Monday I've had assignment after assignment thrown at me and they were all due by the end of the week, so I've been drowning in textbooks, notes and energy drinks—because I hate coffee.

Then to make it even better, it's been raining all week the squad has had to practice in the gym and our gym isn't the biggest, especially when it's crowded with the entire football team whom practices at the same time.

Zayden's been like a leach the whole week as well, and I'm lucky if I can go five minutes without him being next to me, hand in hand, like I'm his dog and if he doesn't stay close, then I'll run away and find a new home.

He's just scared I'll leave him, staying by my side all hours of the day just makes me want to more and more but unfortunately, I can't.

I checked the time on my phone, seeing it was five minutes until five. I groaned, pulling myself out of bed, where I have been the entire day doing nothing but watching Netflix on my laptop and aimlessly scrolling through Instagram.

I stripped my pyjamas off before kicking them to the side and putting on a pair of black leggings and a black singlet and my converse before grabbing my bag which I'd usually use for school, grabbing the contents required for my Halloween costume tonight and shoving it all in my bag.

I shoved my phone in my bag also before jogging down the stairs, noticing Maxen on the couch watching TV.

"I'm just going to Kristel's to baby sit," I told him as I stopped at the door, "I probably won't be back until really late."

He nodded, "Have fun." He said monotone as he kept his eyes on the television.

I sighed, opening the door before walking out and shutting it behind me before sitting on the bottom step which leads from my porch to the path which then extends to the road.

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