03 | zayden

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❝It's hard to wake up from a nightmare if you aren't even asleep❞

three | zayden

Halo's POV

"Silly angel."

I froze completely at the use of name, my body shut down and I felt my heart beginning to race rapidly. Angel?

He looked so confident when he said those two words, like there wasn't a single ounce of regret behind it.

I worried about Holt. He doesn't come to school often anymore, besides Ace and Mason, I don't see him interact with anyone, though I guess there isn't a reason he should have to interact with others, he lost his brother.

I kind of admire how unashamed and open he is, he isn't afraid to show people that he's doesn't want to talk, he doesn't care is what I'm trying to say.

When Everest died, Holt cut off all interaction with Everest's friend group, whom were also his. He started having sex a lot—from what I've heard, which I guess is okay, everyone has their own way of grieving, his seems to be anything weed, sex or party-related, though I only know this because of my friends, they're rather into gossip and rumors.

I never noticed either Ace or Mason, though I don't know how I could miss either of them, they have the most defined, striking features. I think they're the "stoners" of Moonvale high, they're the bad boys, no one dares to talk to either of them, Holt included.

I, on the other hand, was forced to maintain my "popular girl" façade, well somewhat forced, I won't completely blame it on my peers.

I was the cheer captain when Everest died, people voted me that occupation and I feel guilty if I give up something my ex-boyfriend used to love me doing. I don't really enjoy cheer anymore.

I tried for months—to this point years—to try and find the burning passion I used to have for it, but it's gone.

Esme and Alix are my best friends, well I guess you could call them that.

Esme Grace is the kind one, I'm probably more close to her then anyone, she's got long auburn hair and pale skin, the most pure green eyes I've personally ever seen and she has the most innocent little freckles scattered across the bridge of her nose.

She was there for me during Everest's death and to this day, I know I could tell her anything as she can with me. She's also Easton's (Everest's best friend) twin sister, fraternal of course, they barely look alike.

Last but not least there is the one, the only, Alix Montgomery.

She's funny, she's the most up-front and honest person you'll ever meet, which can be both a good and a dreadful thing, though I guess I can be like that sometimes too, except I have a sense of humor, Alix is where conversations go to die. I'm pretty sure she's attempted to sleep with my boyfriend several times.

Speak of the devil.

Zayden Brooks, my boyfriend, comes sauntering down the halls, Easton and Bentley following behind, along with Xavier.

Zayden doesn't know about Xavier and what he did to me, no one besides Holt does, though I'm trying to keep it that way. It was in the past and there's nothing I can do now, plus besides Esme and maybe Alix (not likely,) I'm confident no one would care.

"Hey, babe!" Zayden called as he strutted over to me, possessively wrapping his arm around me when he saw Holt standing in front of me with a smirk on his face.

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