17 | falling

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there are all kinds of love in this world
but never the same love twice.

seventeen | falling


My eyes widened and I've never felt my heart beat accelerated to such an intense, vast speed—until now.

I felt like my entire body had just been thrown into a pool of ice cold water and I was in a state of shock, I think I physically felt all the blood and colour drain from my body.

Pull yourself together, Halo. He's just doing a dare, so he doesn't look like a pussy. We'll just talk for seven minutes, then walk downstairs and act like nothing happened.

I don't even know how long I have been here at this point, two hours? I don't know, something like that, but regardless, I've had my fair share of drinking tonight, and I definitely had my fair share of drama—unfortunately—all I want now, is to go home.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Holt's large, warm hand enveloped my small—probably cold one, intertwining his fingers with mine as he tugged me towards the stairs.

"You coming?" he murmured huskily.

I rolled my eyes, "Do I really have a choice?"

He shook his head, a small yet cheeky smile playing on his lips as he turned his back to me, his hand remaining connected to mine as he dragged me up the stairs.

As a child I had always wished I had the ability to freeze time, and right now I am wishing for that super power more than ever, except I'd wish to freeze everyone around me, that way I could make a dash for the door and go back home, then I'd unfreeze time and the world would proceed normally.

But that's unrealistic, because I am Halo Storm, not a superhero. Unfortunately.

"Hey, Holt?" I whispered.

He turned to look at me over his shoulder, his eyes capturing mine, almost causing me to lose my train of thought completely.


I bit my lip, "If you could have one super power, what would it be?"

He laughed, finding my random question rather amusing. I guess it is quite a strange question to ask an eighteen year old in the middle of a house party, but I'm curious.

"Are we playing five questions now?" he asked, I shrugged, "I don't know. . .I guess I'd want the ability to read minds."

We reached the top of the stairs and he began pulling me down the hallway.

"Why?" I asked.

He shook his head, opening one of the end doors, thankfully it wasn't the door for Alix's room, that'd give me severe PTSD, goodness, I sound like an emotional wreck—pathetic.

The room was nice, really nice. It was very clean, not a spec of dust. It was rather old fashioned, especially compared to the rest of the house, it made me wonder whom lives in this room.

The walls were navy blue, a double bed centred against the far right wall, clad in a maroon duvet with shiny black bedside tables and a tall set of wooden drawers on the left wall with a plasma television on top of it, angled slightly, so it was facing the bed properly.

On the wall directly across from me though, was breathtaking. It was a bookshelf, like the one at the book café near the beach, except this one is far bigger and almost ancient looking, I noticed how clean it was.

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