16 | cheater

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Day by day I realised
that everything I missed about you,
was never there in the first place

sixteen | cheater

I BLUSHED, SUDDENLY feeling extremely self-conscious in what I was wearing. The way Holt stared at me with dark eyes, his lips looking more tasteful than ever as he watched me with an obvious hunger.

"I should go find my friends," I told him.

He nodded, following me into the house, obviously because he must come inside too.

As the door opened and we entered, I was hit with the strong smell of vodka, mixed with weed and sweat, it wasn't a pleasant smell, but it was one I am definitely familiar with. High school will do that to you.

"Come find me when you're ready to go home." He said sternly.

I furrowed my eyebrows, about to object when he walked into the large crowd of bodies and disappeared.

I wasn't planning on going home, everyone drinks, so I'd have no ride and I certainly cannot drive which is why I thought I would just crash at Alix's with Esme or Zayden, but I guess it would be nice to go home and not have to stay here the entire night.

I don't mind parties, there are many many other things that I'd rather be doing other than drinking my sorrows away, but being here doesn't physically make me want to die, that doesn't mean I would enjoy being here for longer than two hours though, which is unfortunate because usually I end up having to stay-at wherever the party throwers house is-all night.

I shrugged it off, giving the familiar large area a one over. What would usually be an overly large living room, is now a makeshift dance floor, covered in dancing bodies whilst strobe lights illuminated every inch of the room. One minute the room was a fluorescent blue and the next it was a cherry red, and every other colour in between.

I couldn't visually see the culprit of the booming music, but wherever it was standing, I'm sure it is ginormous, because the bass is making me feel as though I'm bouncing off the floor and it's making my ears ring.

I barged through the crowd of grinding bodies, searching for someone I like enough to talk too. I have no idea where Esme is, or Alix. . .or anyone for that matter.

"Halo!" I heard a boy call my name.

I turned around, searching for the person whom called my name but there were far too many people, I could barely see as I am far too short.

Suddenly a hand wrapped around my forearm causing me to squeal, I turned around to see none other than Mason. I expected him to be the last person to be here, yet to be calling my name.

"Oh, hi Mason." I said somewhat awkwardly.

He smiled, his electric blue eyes looking unrealistically blue under the lighting, like an ocean. His platinum blonde hair was grown out and messy, but some how it still looked amazing.

Mason, Ace and Holt really are a group.

"What're you doing here?" I asked him as my eyes searched the crowd beyond him, nervous that Zayden might come out of no where and end my life.

He shrugged, "I don't know really, ma is against Halloween, so I'm celebrating for both my sister and I." he giggled like I child.

I couldn't help but feel sympathetic, I know Halloween is ridiculous but the fact his sister can't go out and collect candy, is really upsetting. I know the story beyond that which makes it far worse.

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