22 | weak

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Who said you need a trident
to set a heart a flame, while the halo on my head does precisely the same.

twenty two | weak

"GET YOUR FUCKING hands off her."

I froze in my place aswell as everyone else in the cafeteria including Zayden and Xavier.

His voice echoed, boomed even. It was horrifying. It almost made me want to curl up into a ball and cry, but then I realised that it's not me being yelled at, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not in the wrong right now.

I turned around slowly, seeing Holt standing barely a few metres away in his usual attire—all black and ripped jeans, he didn't wear a jacket again today, therefore his sleeve and ink covered knuckles were on full display, making him look even more intimidating.

Xavier snorted, "What're you gonna do, freak."

I don't know why he's trying to appear tough, considering everytime Holt speaks to him he practically goes into a state of anxiety and shock—literally, his whole body practically shuts down.

It's because he has a crowd this time, he's popular here so he has encouragement.

"You don't want to know what I'm going to do." Holt spat, his cold eyes doing enough damage on their own.

My breath hitched in my throat and I accidentally choked on nothing, I was much like how Xavier usually is in these situations; I was in a state of shock, I probably looked like a fish gasping for air right now.

I didn't know what to do, do I stop them? But how? Should I just run away or should I go find a teacher?

The logical and smart thing to do would be the last option, but I am not smart, nor logical, especially in situations like this, situations I'm not familiar with.

"You've got no one to back you up," he laughed, it was pure venom, "You can't do shit."

Do something, Halo. Your momma didn't raise no bitch.

I inhaled a sharp breath, taking an extremely short stroll over to Holt, standing next to him.

I scoffed, "He does." I replied, "He has me." I said, but somehow my words felt as though they had a deeper meaning.

My cheeks burned, welcoming the color crimson to their pallet as everyone burst into a fit of laughter, Xavier's was the loudest though. Zayden wasn't laughing, surprisingly, he was glaring at me.

This is officially the cringiest thing I've ever done.

I looked up at Holt who stood confidently next to me. I expected him to look mad for me embarrassing him, but he didn't. I couldn't tell what he was feeling because as usual, his walls were up high, but one thing I know is that he isn't mad—not at me anyway.

"He has no one?" another familiar voice sounded, followed by a laugh, "Yeah, right."

I turned around, it was Ace along with Mason. I forgot about them.

This will not turn out good, if I was Xavier, I'd be running for the hills right now. Holt has a solid six inches on him, height wise obviously (I mean it could be somewhere else, I don't know) and far more muscle.

Not to mention Holt junior is here, which means double trouble. Well, triple if you count Mason but he is not where near as intimidating as the other two, especially considering I've actually hung out with him now and I know how immature and childish he actually is.

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