19 | labels

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Maybe we were like sun and moon,
trying desperately to catch each other while the world was waiting for us to collide.

nineteen | labels

Halo's POV

I CAN'T BELIEVE everything that just happened tonight. It feels like I've been kidnapped and thrown into a horrible teen movie, where I'm the main character and the plot only seems to decrease horribly throughout the whole movie.

I don't like being the main character.

So much had happened tonight; I got cheated on with my—well I don't even know what I'd call her. I always called her my friend because it was comfortable. At the end of the day it's just a label, a meaningless label.

Plus calling her an acquaintance that drives me to and from school daily, occasionally invites me to parties and gives me encouraging advice like 'You're gaining weight, lay off the bagels.' didn't seem fitting, so I stuck with friend.

Friend can have a variety of meanings behind it. Some people have a short conversation with someone, and they're immediately considered a friend, I throw it around like it means nothing, because it really doesn't.

To me, a friend means nothing unless it has the word 'best' before it.

Like Esme. Though that best isn't very prominent right now, in fact it's quite foggy—vague.

She's been entire world since the first term of freshman year, when she suddenly became the only real friend I've ever had, and the only person I could trust—besides Ever at the time—though now my trust for her has evaporated into thin air.

"Halo, wait!" her voice shouted.

I shook my head, rubbing my arms for warmth as I walked at a fast pace down the sidewalk. I didn't want to talk to her at all right now.

I heard her heels clacking against the asphalt behind me, though unlike her I was not skilled enough to run in heels, which put a major restriction on my ability to escape, which is why she was easily able to catch up to me.

"Please, just let me explain." She panted, grabbing my wrist with her frail hand as she brought me to a stop.

I stopped, giving in as I turned to face her, my heart breaking just a little more as I saw her tear stained cheeks. Don't cry.

I sighed, directing my eyes to the white pom poms on my heels, otherwise I'd give in and completely forgive her right now. I'd hug her, I'd do anything to make her tears go away, but what she did was wrong and I couldn't do this right now.

"Es, not right now—"

"—No, I need to explain myself." She sighed, "I know this looks bad—"

I laughed, though it was far more venomous than humorous, "You think?"

I didn't have to see her to know she was rolling her eyes right now.

"I had no choice, okay?"

I snorted, finally looked at her, "Good excuse."

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