28 | masterpiece

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We yearn connection yet push it away because
we're afraid

twenty eight | masterpiece

I WOKE UP next to Holt, embraced by his warm arms and the somewhat soothing sound of his soft breathing, his large hands placed over my skin as he slept deeply.

I didn't know exactly what the time was, but I could tell it was rather early, the lighting was dim and I could hear birds chirping outside, the halls didn't sound crowded either, it was rather quiet.

Last night was good. I slept well, which I wasn't expecting at all, but being next to Holt really did help, though I was left with no space, I used him as a pillow the entire night.

I shuffled slightly, "Holt." I said I'm attempt to wake him up.

He looked ever so peaceful, serene even, but I was bored and the sooner I wake up, the sooner dad can get here and get some medication prescribed to me, so I can leave.

"Holt!" I said more loudly this time.

He groaned, but remained asleep nonetheless.

I sat up, my eyes narrowed at his sleeping figure. 

I couldn't help but wish that the circumstances would have been slightly different, rather than being in a single sized bed, I'd wish to be in his or even mine, I'd wish that we were still sleeping, that I didn't have this scratchy sling on, so that I could wrap both my arms around his broad frame, I'd wish that his shirt was off and the circumstances were slightly more intimate.

Not meaning sex—though I don't think I'd mind that either—just more close, if that's even possible for us, just somewhere timeless and calm, where we can stay forever.

"You're hurting my arm." I lied, trying to alarm him, so he'd awaken.

It worked, he jumped up in an instant, "Shit, sorry." He said in his husky deep voice, "Are you okay?"

I smiled, nodding, my ears tingling from the heavenly sound of his morning voice.

"Perfect." I replied honestly.

Holt raised an eyebrow, "You lied?"

I nodded, "Maybe."

He smiled evilly, "You look rough, man." Holt chuckled before tugging at a strand of my knotted hair, "What happened?"

I rolled my eyes, smacking him softly, "Bitch."

Holt then rolled his eyes too, the small act so attractive as his dimples deepened and the corners of his lips uplifted into a humorous smile.

My heart proceeded to do a somersault in my chest, beating at a rapid pace and in a moment I regretted waking him up for I was blushing to the extreme and my whole body felt like it had been tossed into a pit of fire.

"Did you just call me a bitch?" he asked, his voice cracking as his tone escalated.

I nodded, "Yeah." I confirmed, "I did."

He nodded too, seeming impressed, "That's a new one." Holt snorted, "I don't think I've ever been called a bitch before."

I laughed quietly to myself, unable to remove the smile plastered to my lips.

He smirked, his dimples deepening as he laid back, "Fucking hell, this bed is uncomfortable."

I laughed loudly, "You're telling me."

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