45 | poetry

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A sky full of stars and he was staring at her.

forty five | poetry

I SIT ON that old, musty couch on top of the abandoned building that Holt spends most of his time at. Esme, Ace, and Mason were here not too long ago, but they left. Holt went to get something from the car and now it is just me, seated here in silence. But it was nice.

My cold legs were tucked beneath me, my head tilted back as I observed the night sky in awe, squinting one eye as I hold my index finger up to it, connecting star to star. I love the stars. They kind of remind me of Holt. They are beautiful.

while footsteps approach from behind me. I didn't get the chance to turn around when I felt a thick, wooly blanket plop on my shoulders, closing me in from the cold.

As I continued to build constellations with my poor eyesight and index finger, I hear footsteps approaching closely behind me. I didn't bother to turn around, knowing that it couldn't have been anyone but Holt.

Suddenly, I felt a thick, wooly blanket weigh down on my shoulders, concealing my cold, mostly bare limbs, and I sighed in relief. "Thank you." I murmured.

"How long are you planning on staying out here?" Holt asks.

I pull my legs from under me, pressing them against my chest and tucking my chin behind my knees. "Until midnight." I answer quietly. "I want my new year's kiss."

I feel the couch dip down next to me and shortly after, I hear the flicking of his lighter. Turning to the side, I see him toying with it, flicking it on and off before he raised it to his mouth and lit the cigarette placed between his lips.

I don't see him smoke much anymore, which I am happy about. 

As he takes a draw from the cigarette, we become consumed by a comfortable silence. We hadn't been very talkative tonight, there was no reason for that, I was just happy and he's closed off. Ever since he woke up, he has been rather numb.

Finally, I turn to face him, unable to resist the urge any longer, and when I finally do, I notice that Holt is already watching me intently, admiring me quietly in pure adoration.

Under his strong gaze, my cheeks burn, a phantom smile placing itself upon my slightly chapped lips. I try to cover my face with my hands as his tentative, grey irises bore into the side of my face.

"You're so fucking cute." he compliments, causing my entire body to feel as though it had been set alight.

"Shut up," I whine, feeling his long fingers wrapping around my wrists, pulling my hands from my face. 

As his hand gently pulls my shield away, I offer him a long glance, taking a moment to truly appreciate his jet-black hair, his thick arched brows, and the clear hues of his eyes. His button nose and his defined jaw, his lush lips, that damn freckle on his cheek. Just everything that makes Holt, him.

My eyes lifted to his and we take a moment of silence to hold each other's gaze. While Holt is staring deeply into the ordinary of my brown eyes—which hey claims resemble honey—I notice everything and more about his icy ones. The storm of his eyes brewing with the delicacy of crystals, appeasing to who he is—sharp, fragile and delicate.

The storm that his orbs resemble cold dark clouds and glaciers. Just like him, he is dark, moody, cold. But now, I see more. I see the cloudy sky after a storm when everything is okay. The ice gradually melted away and now I am left with nothing but the wondrous human that is Holt Stone. My human.

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