38 | heaven

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No one left me needing them the way you do.

thirty eight | heaven

Holt's POV

ELEVEN ELEVEN WAS the exact moment I asked her to be mine. It was also the exact moment she said she was already mine.

It was the moment I agreed to be hers as well. But like she said; 'I already am.'

I have been hers since the moment she walked through my front door in freshman year, though I was not the one holding her hand when she did so. 

But almost four years later and one death later, she is all mine. Halo Storm is officially my fucking girlfriend.

God, this feeling is one even the high received from weed cannot match. It feels good. My heart is ablaze, my stomach swirling with emotions whilst my heart raced. It was such an unfamiliar feeling, I could barely decipher it. But I came to the conclusion that the erratic magnified feeling I am experiencing is happiness.

Eleven thirteen was the exact time that Halo fell asleep on my stomach, her head resting just below my heart, but even down there, I am sure she could hear the rapid beat of my heart.

Eleven fourteen she began breathing heavily, heading into a deep sleep.

Eleven thirty she snuggled into the blanket more, entirely pulling it off me and wrapping it around her like a little burrito.

Then at one o'clock, I began to doze off. It took me so long because I was so overwhelmed. I never in a million fucking years thought I would be where I am right now, on a second-hand couch on top of an abandoned building with a pure angel sleeping between my legs.

I was so close to drifting off but then Halo awoke, "Holt?" she said in a panicked tone, "Are you there?" I recall her sitting up, her face contorting an expression of alarm.

"I'm right here, love." I said softly.

Halo's entire demeanor softened as she registered my voice, her eyes settling on me before she laid back down on me, "I thought I dreamt tonight." she mumbled, her voice heavy with sleep, "I thought you were gone."

My heart ached. If I had fallen asleep, I would have woken up and thought it was a dream too. It was all too perfect, too good to be true. Like an excerpt from a romance novel. I sound like a complete pussy, but I have read so many of those.

Pride and Prejudice. Sense and Sensibility. Withering Heights. The Scarlett Letter. Everyone imaginable. I always read them and dreamt of experiencing something even the slightest remotely similar, and though the party and dinner with my parents was a complete bust, the aftermath was even better than those scenes in the books that adorn my beloved shelf of ancient novels.

"I would never leave you." I reassured her, allowing my fingertips to roam her head, toying with her curls.

Halo snuggled into me, "I—I love you." she mumbled before falling back to sleep.

I grinned, looking up at the sky above me and all I could think was, thank you to the fucking universe for doing something in my favor for once.

She's mine. All mine.

Then, hours later, around six thirty, I woke up. I sat up immediately, expecting to see Halo in between my legs, but she was gone. The blanket was gone too.

My exposed arms were cold and covered in goose bumps, my entire chest and stomach freezing due to the thin material of my shirt lacking to keep me warm. 

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