39 | forgiveness

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She's an angel and one hell of a lover.

thirty nine | forgiveness

Halo's POV

TODAY IS MONDAY, the first day back at school since Holt and I started dating which was merely two days ago and the whole concept is still new to me, it overwhelms me until the point I feel as though I could explode. . .but with happiness.

I was not excited for everyone to find out about Holt and I, not because I was embarrassed, but because I only got out of a relationship recently, it hasn't been very long and I am already with someone else. But at the same time, it doesn't matter to me because Holt isn't Zayden nor Everest, he is him, and I love him for that.

I never usually care what people think, today is definitely not the day to start.

Besides, it wasn't like I was going to school with intentions of rubbing my relationship in everyone's faces, I have never been one for PDA. I know that Holt gets insecure sometimes too, whether he is willing to admit that or not, so I need to be wary of him.

This morning was surprisingly easier than other mornings, I woke up decently early and had a long hot shower, brushing my teeth and cleaning my body before putting some curling crème in my hair and tying half of it up in a top-knot, so that it was out of my eyes.

Today seemed to be surprisingly sunny too, rather than the usual gloomy skies outside, the sun had managed to peek through the clouds, blessing the residence of Moonvale with some warmth for once.

I tugged a pair of denim shorts up my legs, buttoning and zipping them up after tugging them over my hips. They reached just above my knees, which was great, because my thighs are not something I am particularly confident about, but I'm working on it.

After putting on a black belt, I threw on a white long-sleeved button-up cropped top, sitting a centimeter or two above my belt. 

Lastly, I slipped on my black high-top Converse before grabbing my bag and jogging down the stairs, surprised when the smell of bacon hit me, the scent being enough to make my mouth water as I dropped my bag near the door and made my way into the kitchen.

"Morning, sweetie." my father greeted me with a wide smile.

My eyes widened as I saw Holt seated at the counter in front of my father, a plate of bacon in front of him, whilst Jax sat on his lap with a small piece of bacon was being held in his hand and Nova was on the stool next to her brother and Holt.

"Morning, dad." I said in a confused tone, "I see the little rascals are here." I grinned as I walked over to Jax and pinched his cheek, earning a shriek from him, whilst I ruffled Nova's hair.

It has been a while since I have seen them, luckily, they are my family and they live close, so that I can see them whenever I like.

"Morning, angel." Holt said with a mouthful of food, his words muffled causing me to laugh.

I sat down next to Nova, "What are you doing here?" I questioned, "And where is Kristel?"

"She dropped the kids off for the day, she is trying to find a job." he explained, "And Holt came over to drive you to school, so I thought I'd invite em in for breakfast."

I smiled, eating a piece of bacon on the plate that my dad had just slipped in front of me, ravishing in the heavenly and salty taste I had not tasted in so long. My dad cannot cook to save his life, but god it feels good to have him home, cooking the only thing he has ever been able to master; bacon.

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