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85 years have passed since that day. The day lily passed into a coma. In that time many things have happened and not for the better.

Two years after lily was found All for one broke out of prison. The league of villians found out she was still alive and kidnapped her. Being in a coma like state still she could do nothing to protect herself. The guards protecting her were killed. The league of villians infatuated still about her powers and how she was the only real successful nomu. They started experimenting with her blood.

All for one thought he knew what he was doing, but he was so wrong. A virus from her blood was created. All for one smashed the vile containing the virus when heros raided their base. At first everyone thought it was harmless and thought nothing of it.

A year later the virus had spread across the world and and epidemic had started. No children were being born with quirks anymore. They still had the second joint in their pinky toe, but no quirks were manifesting themselves.

10 years later something changed. Only a few from the past recognized the event that was occurring and knew how to somewhat help, but most did not. People were being born unable to consume anything other then human flesh. These people were called ghouls. They were considered monsters, demonic creatures who deserved nothing but death. They weren't normal by any society's standards. Not everybody was born like this though.

Over the years the villians died out or gave themselves up. Heros were a rare thing. They themselves were killed trying to protect people from rabid ghouls. Rabid ghouls were ghouls who decided to binge on human flesh needlessly for no reason.

But not all ghouls were bad. I had met my fare share of good ghouls who just wanted a normal peaceful life like any other human. The world was strange and even as old as I am now I'm still looking forward to seeing more of it. If only my bloody knee would stop giving out.

I groan waking up. Opening my eyes I find myself laying in a bed. The sheets were white with not a spec of dirt. Sitting up I notice I was in what a hospital room would look like, but it didnt exactly scream hospital. My twin bed sat against the wall in the middle of the room. A small flat screen TV sat to the right. A small table and chair sat next to the wall to my right. On the left were two doors. I'm guessing one led to a bathroom and the other to a hallway.

Ok this is new. Where am I though? The last thing I remember. The last thing I remember! What was the last thing I remember?

Suddenly a nurse walks in. She smiles giving me a reassuring smile." I see your awake, that's good. How are you feeling?" I clutch my head. Why cant I remember anything.

I go to answer only to realize I was incredibly thirsty. Tapping my throat I mutter." W-water". She smiles walking over to the table grabbing a small pale and a glass that I hadn't noticed was sitting on the table.

After a few seconds she hands me the cup. The moment I see the liquid sloshing around In my glass memories smack me dead in the head.

I remember fighting the nomus, my father betraying me, protecting the heros, saving the heros, Kiri." Kiri" I gasp dropping the cup." I'm sorry I must leave. I need to find kiri and make sure he and the heros are alright. I dont know what happened after I sealed the room. She frowns looking as if she wants to say something, but I dont give her a chance to.

Opening the first door I'm lucky to see it lead to a hallway." Wait Lily stop you cant leave yet." I stop, turning around. How dare she use my real name. Only my friends, boyfriend and Aizawa can say my name." Dont use that name ever again. Your not aloud to." I growl forcing a bit of power into my voice.

Turning back around I begin running." Cold blue, I repeat we have a cold blue." Pushing through a door I enter another hallway. Only this one had tons of people in it, wearing army like suits.

Ok what the hell kind of hospital it this?

I run down the hall seeing a glass door to the outside, Freedom. Smiling I make it outside immediatly noticing something. Everything was different, more advanced. Seeing the guys right behind me I take off again." Leave me be, I dont want to have to hurt you!" I threaten.

I didnt want to hurt them but if I have to I will. I need to find kiri and the others. I need to find out if they made it out alright. I need to make sure there ok. Suddenly I hear someone scream my name. It wasnt that someone screamed my name that made me stop. Its who it was. Granted the voice sounded a bit older and deeper but there was no mistaking it. Turning around the first thing I see is a mob of green hair. Looking to his face I'm surprised to see matching green eyes and that smile everybody knew.

He looked old. Like he was in his late 90s. But how? I couldnt have been asleep for more then a few days. Did a villian use an age quirk on him. What was going on? Why did he look like an old man?


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