3. Found lover & new... friend

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I pull up a chair as midoriya leaves the room to give us some privacy. I grab kiri's rough callused hand in mine and just sit there. I wanted to wake him up. To see those beautiful red eyes I love so much. But I knew kiri needed his rest. I'll wait for him. I'll wait for as long as it takes. I examine his face. He looked older obviously but, Hay for an old man he still looked hella fine! I smirk at my own devilish thoughts. After a while I must of fallen asleep next to kiri somhow because the next thing I know I'm being woken up to someone stroking my hair. Sitting up I see the bright smile of my kiri. He sat up smiling wide showing his shark like teeth. I always did like his teeth.

"Kiri." I say tears in my eyes. Immediatly do I pull myself up and lundge for a hug. Tears stream down my face as I hug my teddy bear. My cuddly shark toothed teddy bear. He continues stroking my hair, a few tears falling on my neck. He was crying.

Pulling away I see he wasn't just crying, he was sobbing.

"Kiri dont cry. I'm so sorry I missed everything in your life. If I was stronger I could have protected everyone better-" he suddenly pulls me close smashing his lips to mine. My heart warm and full. The one I loved was in my arms and loved me back. Nothing could make this moment more perfect. We both pull apart smiling.

"I cant tell you how long I've been wanting to do that!" He says making me laugh a bit. I wipe my face staring at him. "I love you kiri, so much."" I love you t-" suddenly the door opens and two men in brief cases walk in.

" Excuse me are you Nagisa, shadow?"

I get up from kiris lap standing on the cold floor." Yes I am, who asking." They look at each other. "By the order of the CCG you are to come with us or we will use force." I glare at them clenching my teeth. Raising my hand my shadows follow surrounding them. I then pick them up throwing them out of the room and slamming the door.

Turning around I smile." People are such nuisances sometimes." He laughs shaking his head." You havent changed a bit since that day." I frown looking down." Listen kiri I'm sorry for leaving and I swear. I'm going to do all I can to bring back your youth so we can be together again." He smiles." I've forgotten what it feels like to be young, if you say you can do it, I believe you." I squeal smiling.

For the rest of the evening until visitation hours were over we just hung out enjoying each others company. What I didnt seem to notice though was that everytime I looked away, kiri would look back to me with a sad but loving look. He knew you both loved each other, but he felt as if he was going to hold you back. Holding onto false hope that there was a way to help him regain his youth. It wasn't possible. Quirks were almost nonexistant anymore. And even of there was a way to regain his youth. What would be the price for it?

So until she left he put on loving smiles and kisses to reassure her. His love for her was genuine. A one of a kind thing, but she needed to move on from him. And the only way for her to that was-.

When It was time to go, I didnt want to go, but i had to. Leaving the hospital I see non of those CCG people. Midoriya booked me a hotel for a few days until he could get everything in order for me to stay with him. He drops me off telling me to try and stay indoors. News got out that I had awoken and some people werent very happy. Midoriya also said that now that the maker, me, the first ghoul to have ever been born may cause a stir within the ghoul population. I understand why humans can be afraid of us but, we shouldn't give them a reason to unless our lives are being threatened.

I take a shower because I know I stink. Hoping out I put on some new clothes. And being the person I am who doesnt listen to anyone. I leave the room. I easily scale the roof jumping from building to building. When I got to doen town I noticed it looked a lot like Tokyo did when quirks were still alive. The only difference was it seemed technology has advanced quite a bit. I sit down admiring the people. Though I do notice most were ghouls. Silently I climb down through an ally way. I walk into the crowd.

I know I've been asleep for a very long time and have missed a lot, but it seems some things dont change.

I wonder off a bit running into a boy with white hair. He seemed quite odd just from his appearance. He wore a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, Suspenders, black pants and slippers. He also had stitch marks on multiple parts of his body.

"O I'm sorry, I wasnt looking where I was going." He shrugs it off smiling. "Its ok I wasnt looking either. Are you alright though? I smile.

"Yes thank you sir." He waves me off." Call me jouzu." I nod," I'm Nagisa." He smiles." Are you new to Tokyo?" I shrug.

"In a sense. It's been a very long time since I've seen this place. Almost everything's different. So yah I guess I am lost." He smiles" well I'll help you find your way back. This city is really fun, but can be very dangerous with all of the ghouls lurking in the shadows. A lady like you should be most cautious."

I frown a bit." What do you mean a lady like me. You dont know me. We just met." He grins shaking his head." I dont know. You give off a sense of innocence like a pure white lily flower. In another it feels as if I can relate to you somehow. I dont know, I dont mean to rant. Maybe some food would do me some good."

I sigh, what am I doing snapping at the poor guy? He's just concerned for my safety. I sigh." I'm sorry jouzu I dont mean to snap at you. Thank you for being concerned, but rest assured I dont need protection." He shrugs his shoulders.

" let's get back to the city. Those things come out more at night to feed." For some reason when he said that it hurt.

I do my best to shrug it off. We get back to the city and we say our good byes. I head back to the hotel. Upon arriving I open the door to a very upset looking midoriya.

The path I choose! BNHA/Tokyo GhoulWhere stories live. Discover now