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He smiles showing that same smile. "Midoriya what happened? What villian did this to you? I'll throw their arses in jail." I fume. How could someone do this to him? Clenching my fists I didnt realize some shadows have escaped until midoriya smiles saying to calm down. Sighing I take some deep breaths.

"Nagisa, a lot has happened in the time you've been asleep. You may think you've only been asleep for a few days but you werent. You've been asleep for 85 years.

At that moment my mind went blank. 85 years. Theres no way. It cant be true. He has to be lying. O God kiri. Is he ok?

"Your lying theres no way." He sighs sadly." Its true, I'm sorry to say. I wish it wasnt, but it is." I couldnt handle this." Is kiri ok?" He frowns but smiles." Currently kirishima is alive, but hes in the hospital on life support. A few days ago he suffered a heart attack."

"I need to see him now, please Izuku." I plead. He nods,"come we will take you, on the way I can fill you in on everything that has happened."

I follow him to a limo. We both get in the back. Taking my hand midoriya sighs before beginning to tell me what has all happened.

30 minutes later the limo stops and I was livid. I caused this. It was my fault. In my attempt to save everyone, I put myself in a coma and became vulnerable. It was my fault quirks were no longer a thing. A new age had begun because of a virus made with my blood. I felt ashamed, dirty.

"Come on Nagisa, I know this is a lot to take in but you cant blame yourself. You did nothing wrong. It was the hospitals fault for not putting more security outside your room." I shake my head." Let's just go see kiri." He mutters something else to low for me to hear, but I just shrug it off.

The rest of the trip is spent in silence until we pull up to the hospital. I could hear screaming outside. Rolling down the window I see thousands and thousands of people screaming and chanting. They were chanting something about heros and how they must go on. I look to Izuku. He simply sighs." There fans that cant accept that even us heros are human and must grow old. Plus there just really big fans."

I sigh, of course they were.
Midoriyas the first to step out. The cheering only gets louder. Police men and guards have to push the crowds back. Wow their a violent bunch. Getting out of the limo I could feel the curious looks and glares as I follow behind the older man. My bare feet feeling the warm cement. It felt good.

Getting to the door. We immediatly walk in. There was like a chamber of sorts. Guards step closer. I get in a defense position, ready to fight." Calm down Nagisa. This hospital isnt open to the public. Only family and closer friends can get through and even still everyone must be scanned and searched. This is only a safety precaution for the patients of the hospital" I calm down a bit and nod.

I let them search me, but not without a few growls every now and then when his hands got to close to my goodies.

When the guards are done checking us he hands us passes. Midoriyas was green and mine was red.

Wonder why our passes were different. The glass doors open and we walk in. I follow midoriya over to an elevator. He presses the number four button.

"So midoriya what do the pass colors mean?"

He looks down at his own green pass before looking at my red one." Theres three different pass colors Green, Yellow and Red. Green means your a close hero friends and immediate family members. It shows that there trusted more. Yellow is for outside family of friends that have a criminal background of are not close. And red is for people who do not have a record in the system, meaning they dont know you enough so your going to be kept under close guard" ,He says. But the last only confused me more.

"What do you mean I dont have a record. I was on this planet just like everyone else I've just been asleep for a long time." He sighs.

"Yah I know but after everything happened with your blood the government didnt want your existence getting out even more then it already was. Everything that had to do with you was erased. Your name, birth records your very existence in the system was completely erased. Only a select few knew you were alive and even then we were sworn to never tell another living soul about you." I stand there stunned as the elevator door dings then opens.

Everything I was learning. It was just to much. First I was told I've been asleep for 85 years, now I'm being told I basically dont exist. The only proof I lived on this planet is me standing here now. I'm a ghost,... no I'm a ghoul. A lucky one if everything that midoriya has said is correct.

We walk out and I follow midoriya down the hall to a room on the right." Well this is it." He opens the door. Everything looked like a normal hospital room. In a bed I see a small fragile looking old man who had black hair, and wrinkles. A tiny fang peeked out from under his lip assuring me that this was indeed my kiri. He was asleep at the moment. So he wasnt aware that two people had opened his door and came in." I'll wake him for you." Midoriya says.

I shake my head." No don't I'll wait he needs the rest." So many emotions filled my chest. Love, hate, sadness.

Love for kiri the one I will always love and hold dear. Hate and sadness for myself for not being there when times were tough. That I couldnt experience a life full of love, bare his children and raise them together. I left him alone what kind of mate does that to its other half? I'm terrible!

The path I choose! BNHA/Tokyo GhoulWhere stories live. Discover now